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Silencing key gene drives rapid growth of world's deadliest cancer – study

Silencing key gene drives rapid growth of world's deadliest cancer – study


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A key gene that helps many organs in the body function properly could hold the key to curbing one of the world's deadliest cancers, research suggests.

scientist They have discovered that blocking a specific molecule in the HNF4A gene can promote the spread and rapid growth of pancreatic cancer.

Researchers said the discovery offered new hope in the search for more effective treatments for the disease, which kills nearly 9,000 people in the UK each year and has a poor survival rate.

This research will provide new understanding and knowledge about the behavior of cancer and is expected to help pave the way for new treatments in the future.

Dr. Maria Hatziapustoulou

Dr Maria Hatziapostolou, a scientist at Nottingham Trent University's John van Geest Cancer Research Centre, said: “Pancreatic cancer has the poorest survival rate of 20 common cancers.”

“Patients' survival rates beyond five years have not improved much for some time, so it is crucial that we find new ways to better understand how the disease spreads and why it is so aggressive.”

“This research has provided new understanding and knowledge about the behavior of cancer, which we hope will help pave the way for new treatments in the future.”

There are more than 10,400 new cases of pancreatic cancer each year in the UK, but only 10% of people survive for more than five years.

Pancreatic cancer is often diagnosed at an advanced stage when treatment options are limited, and more than half of patients die within three months of diagnosis.

The disease has claimed the lives of several notable patients, including: Alan Rickmancustomer John HurtSteve Jobs, and Patrick Swayze.

In the study, published in the journal Gastro Hep Advances, the researchers analyzed healthy and pancreatic cancer tissue samples.

The researchers found that pancreatic cancer triggers a process called DNA methylation, which switches off the beneficial HNF4A molecule, allowing tumors to grow rapidly.

“Loss of HNF4A has been shown to increase the progression and aggressiveness of pancreatic cancer and correlates with decreased survival for patients,” said Dr. Hatziapustolou.

Alan Rickman died in 2016 aged 69 after suffering from pancreatic cancer (John Walton/PA)
Alan Rickman died in 2016 aged 69 after suffering from pancreatic cancer (John Walton/PA) (PA Archives)

Dr Chris McDonald, head of research at Pancreatic Cancer UK, which funded the research, said: “Gentler, more effective treatments for pancreatic cancer are desperately needed.”

“Most pancreatic cancers are diagnosed at a late stage, and 80% are not detected until the disease has metastasized and become inoperable.

“This is reflected in the poor survival rates, with more than half of people with the disease dying within three months of diagnosis.”

“Improving our fundamental understanding of why pancreatic cancer grows and spreads so rapidly is essential to making much-needed breakthrough discoveries.

“This project will provide new information about how pancreatic cancer suppresses certain molecules to aggressively spread through the body, which may lead to the development of more effective treatments in the future.”

The scientists University of Nottingham, Stanford University The University of California and Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles also participated in the project.




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