Live longer, die healthier | ScienceDaily
Everyone wants to live longer, but no one wants to live in a debilitating state. Now, researchers at the University of Connecticut have demonstrated a treatment that could extend life and vitality right up to the end of life.
Although human life span has increased over the past century, most older adults experience serious health declines in the last decade of their lives. Chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease set in and lead to frailty. Many interventions can extend life span but not necessarily health, and no one wants to spend the last few years of their long life in infirmity.
But its faint decline may not be inevitable. Cell metabolismMing Xu, a geriatrician at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine, explains that the group of mice that received the monthly treatment lived 9% longer, or about 79 days longer. But what was surprising was that not only did the mice live longer, they also walked faster and gripped objects more tightly than mice of the same age that didn't receive the treatment. In humans, slower walking speed and reduced grip strength go hand in hand with increased overall frailty. The treated mice maintained their strength and walking speed throughout the treatment period, until the end of their lives.
What makes this study especially interesting is the meticulous measurements and record-keeping that this project required. Most experiments on mice, health, and lifespan choose a specific time point, such as 18 or 24 months, and measure the effects of a treatment at that specific time. But Xu, along with postdocs Binsheng Wang and Lichao Wang and their colleagues, measured the mice's health, grip strength, walking speed, and a number of other metrics every month, starting when the mice were 20 months old (equivalent to 60 years old in humans) until they died. Some mice lived as long as 43 months. This allowed them to assess changes in each mouse's physical function and overall health throughout the treatment period. Because each mouse died at a different age, this approach also allows Xu's team to assess health up until death, which is often the most frail and sickest period of a mouse's life.
Interestingly, despite being older at the time of death, the treated mice showed better physical function and overall frailty at the end of life than the control group.
“We're all very excited about this discovery because it demonstrates that we can not only extend the lifespan of mice, but actually extend their lifespan in a healthy way, which is an important goal of aging research,” says Xu, an assistant professor in the University of Connecticut Center for Aging Research and in the Department of Genetics and Genomic Sciences at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine.
The researchers split the mice into two groups: one group received a monthly treatment to remove inflammatory cells from the tissues, while the control group did not. “Inflammatory cells” were defined as those that actively expressed a particular gene called p21.
The research team, which included researchers from UConn Health, The University of Texas Cedars-Sinai, Jackson Institute for Genomic Medicine and the UNMC School of Dentistry, found that monthly treatment extended both the mice's maximum lifespan (the treated mice's maximum lifespan was 43 months, the equivalent of about 130 human years) and average lifespan, and that the average lifespan of the treated mice was longer and healthier than that of mice who did not receive the treatment.
The researchers are now investigating how to apply their findings to humans, and if the treatment proves equally effective in humans, it could add eight to 10 years to healthy old age.
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