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Excessive artificial lighting at night may increase risk

Excessive artificial lighting at night may increase risk


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New study finds link between light pollution and Alzheimer's. Jody Jacobson/Getty Images
  • Excessive exposure to light pollution at night may increase the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease.
  • The researchers found that in people under 65, light pollution correlated more strongly with the incidence of Alzheimer's disease than any other risk factor studied.
  • Experts say more research is needed to fully determine whether light pollution is a risk factor for Alzheimer's.

Excessive light pollution at night may increase the risk of Alzheimer's disease, especially in people under 65.

Research Presentation The cutting edge of neuroscience We found that exposure to light pollution at night may be an important modifiable risk factor to investigate. Alzheimer's Disease.

“In the United States, [Alzheimer’s] “Nighttime light exposure and prevalence, especially in people under 65 years of age.” Dr. Robin Voigt Zwalais the study's lead author and an associate professor at Rush University Medical Center.

“Nighttime light pollution is a modifiable environmental factor and an important Risk Factors for [Alzheimer’s]” he said.

To conduct their study, the researchers used satellite data to measure average nighttime light intensity in the United States from 2012 to 2018.

They ranked the lower 48 states based on average nighttime light intensity, dividing them into five groups, from states with the lowest average light intensity and darkest nights to states with the highest average light intensity and brightest nights.

The researchers also collected Medicare data to examine the prevalence of Alzheimer's disease in these states.

The researchers found statistical differences between the darkest and brightest states at night, and higher levels of nighttime light pollution were positively correlated with the prevalence of Alzheimer's disease.

This effect held true for people under 65 and over 65, for both men and women, and for all races studied except Asian and Pacific Islanders.

Among people aged 65 and over, the prevalence of Alzheimer's disease was found to be more strongly correlated with night-time light pollution than with other underlying risk factors for the disease. Chronic kidney diseasealcoholism, depression, obesity.

However, there were several risk factors in this group that were more strongly correlated with Alzheimer's than light pollution: high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke.

The researchers found that among people under 65, high levels of light pollution at night were associated with a higher prevalence of Alzheimer's disease than any other risk factor studied.

The study authors noted several limitations to the study: Medicare data were limited, the study looked at prevalence but not incidence of Alzheimer's disease, and indoor lighting data were not available.

“Indoor light exposure (e.g., television, computers, phones) is highly significant and should be evaluated in future studies,” the study authors wrote. “To fully understand the health effects of nighttime light, it is important to consider the totality of outdoor and indoor nighttime light exposure.” [Alzheimer’s].”

Dr. Nikki Ann WilsonIt remains to be seen whether exposure to light at night is indeed a risk factor for Alzheimer's, but sleep may be an important piece of the puzzle, said Dr. Schneider, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of New South Wales and co-postdoctoral researcher at the Neuroscience Institute Australia (NeuRA), who was not involved in the study.

“Research investigating dementia and the factors that contribute to its onset continues to evolve as we address new challenges in the environment. It is too early to say whether light pollution contributes to dementia risk. However, we know that good environmental development contributes to dementia risk. Sleep habits It's associated with broader health benefits,” she said. Today's medical news.

“Limiting screen time before bed, using curtains to block out as much outside light as possible, and maintaining a consistent sleep schedule are simple ways to improve your sleep. The key is to make sure you're not feeling too sleepy during the day or getting too tired. Sleep disordersIt's always best to see a doctor.”
Nikki Ann Wilson

The researchers note that there are a number of mechanisms by which night-time light pollution may affect Alzheimer's disease.

One of these is the role of sleep disturbance, and Wilson says the impact this has on brain function is an important factor to consider.

“Sleep is known to play a key role in clearing amyloid-beta, a protein associated with Alzheimer's disease, from the brain. brain. “When sleep is disrupted, for example by light or untreated sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, the brain's ability to clear this protein is reduced. Furthermore, poor sleep quality can have a wide-ranging impact on other risk factors, including depression, physical activity levels and high blood pressure,” she said.

In the United States, around 2024 6.9 million 100% of Americans over 65 have Alzheimer's. Of these, 73% are over 75 years old.

For most people, the exact cause of Alzheimer's isn't fully understood, but scientists believe it likely results from a complex combination of genetic, health and lifestyle factors, as well as age-related changes in the brain.

Some risk factors, such as age and family history, cannot be changed. However, some risk factors thought to be associated with Alzheimer's disease may be changeable.

These include smokingalcohol abuse, Lack of physical activityThese include lack of sleep, unhealthy eating habits, social isolation and lack of mental stimulation.

Clifford Seguill, Dr. John F. Kennedy, DO, a neurologist at Providence Saint John's Health Center in Santa Monica, California, who was not involved in the study, said more research is needed to determine whether exposure to light at night is a risk factor for Alzheimer's disease.

“As a neurologist, it is difficult for me to agree that patients who stay up late at night and do light activities are at increased risk of developing Alzheimer's dementia later in life. Exposure to light at night is not a recognized risk factor for dementia, and a single paper like this is not enough to add it to the battery of risk factors we currently assess in patients who are screened for dementia. Neurologist” he said. MNT.

The researchers point out that in some parts of the world, especially in urban centers, the lights never go out.

“Today, most people living in cities and suburbs are unable to see natural celestial lights due to light pollution, and 80% of the world's population experiences light pollution. Although artificial light at night is considered harmless or even beneficial (e.g., safety) for most people, light pollution has adverse ecological, behavioral, biological and health consequences,” they write.

The researchers hope that their findings will raise awareness of some of the potential risks associated with light exposure at night.

“Recognizing this association should empower people, especially those with risk factors. [Alzheimer’s] “It's an easy lifestyle change,” Voigt-Zwara said. Press Statement“Some easy changes you can make include using blackout curtains and sleeping with an eye mask, which is especially helpful for people who live in areas with a lot of light pollution.”




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