Beer and wine research links drink choice to diet quality
Clinical relevance: Beer drinkers have poorer dietary habits than wine drinkers, reflecting alcohol choices, lifestyle, and socio-economic influences on health.
- People who only drink beer have poorer diets, higher caloric intake, and worse health outcomes than those who drink wine.
- People who drink wine are typically older, more affluent, enjoy healthier diets, and have a lower risk of liver disease.
- Improper diet and alcohol use contribute to higher rates of liver disease, chronic disease, and mental health problems.
Humanity may have been built on beer, at least according to Wall Street Journal beer critic – But it is not without its drawbacks.
In an important study that is as much about class distinctions as it is about biology, researchers have found that the drink you choose is in line with your eating habits. of Tulane University Research It turns out that people who only drink beer have a much worse diet than people who drink wine, liqueurs, or other types of alcohol.
The results provide a glimpse into the broader impact that alcohol consumption and dietary choices have on public health.
Rising public health challenges
Americans relied on alcohol and bad eating habits For decades. And that only fuels the spread of chronic disease and mental health issues. substance use disorder.
“The main cause of cirrhosis in the United States is excessive alcohol consumption, and metabolic dysfunction associated fatty liver disease (MASLD) is rapidly increasing,” said Dr. said Madeline Novak, lead author of the study. “Both types of liver disease often co-exist, and lifestyle changes are key to managing and preventing these conditions, starting with understanding the link between alcohol use and malnutrition.”
And it seems even harder for older Americans.
“From 2001 to 2018, the prevalence of poor eating habits among older adults increased. 10 percentthe authors write, “highlighting worrying trends as the population ages.”
The researchers relied on National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHANES) Studying the relationship between alcohol type and diet quality. The research team culled and analyzed data from 1,917 drinkers who completed a 24-hour dietary recall survey. They also used the Healthy Eating Index (HEI), a diet quality scoring system.
Main results
The researchers found that beer-only drinkers had much lower HEI scores than the study's reference group, wine-only drinkers. In a fully adjusted multivariate analysis, beer-only drinkers scored 3.12 points lower on average. And booze (and cocktail-only) drinkers had similar dietary scores to wine drinkers, as did multiple types of drinkers.
Scientists also found that people who exclusively drink beer appear to suffer from greater socio-economic and lifestyle disadvantages, including lower income, higher rates of smoking, and lower overall physical activity. I also discovered something. Heavy beer drinkers ate more calories, carbohydrates, and saturated fat.
On the other side of the table, exclusive wine drinkers tended to be older and wealthier, and recorded the highest HEI scores and healthier dietary patterns. This includes increasing your intake of fruits, vegetables, and seafood.
Impact on liver health
The association between poor diet quality and liver disease has raised some concerns, especially among beer-only drinkers. Previous research has found that people with high HEI scores are less likely to develop fatty liver disease, a precursor to more severe liver disease.
Notably, researchers have associated wine consumption with a lower risk of liver fibrosis compared to beer and alcohol. Although cultural norms and food pairings cannot be ignored, wine lovers' healthier eating habits may at least partially explain this.
The study also highlighted key demographic and behavioral differences among drinkers.
- Beer drinkers were more likely to live below the poverty line and engage in unhealthy behaviors such as smoking and avoiding exercise. Researchers argue that these factors likely exacerbate the effects of poor diet quality.
- Conversely, wine drinkers were generally older, wealthier, and less likely to drink heavily. Their dietary habits included eating more whole grains, fruit, and lean protein.
Public health recommendations
The researchers argued that the findings demonstrate the urgent need for public health campaigns and patient education that address the effects of eating and drinking. Specifically, the authors recommend the following:
- A customized program targeted at beer lovers to improve their eating habits and promote physical activity.
- Promoting food and drink combinations that support better dietary choices.
- Addressing income inequality and accessing healthy food options as a way to establish long-term dietary improvements.
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The relationship between social isolation and substance abuse
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