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Manitoba reported 38 new cases of coronavirus on Monday and was declared outbreak in Steinbach’s personal care home-Winnipeg


This story will be updated at the start of the press conference and during the meeting.

Health officials reported 38 new cases of the new coronavirus on Monday. This includes what health authorities have led to declare an outbreak in Steinbach’s personal care home.

As of Monday, the total number of positive and putative positive cases confirmed by tests confirmed in Manitoba was 731, and the current test positive rate in the state is 1.78%.

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36 new coronavirus cases in Manitoba, mostly from known clusters

Health officials said they were in Steinbach’s personal care home for the new case. The state declared an outbreak at the facility in an incident identified at Bethesda Place in Steinbach.

There are 232 known active cases of COVID-19 in Manitoba, with 490 recovery as of Monday. Eleven people, including three receiving intensive care, are hospitalized. No new deaths were reported on Monday.

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Monday’s case includes one in the Interlake-Eastern Health area, 20 in the Prairie Mountain Health area, 12 new cases in Southern Health, and five in Winnipeg.

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Coronavirus: Manitoba Family Considering Fall Homeschooling

Dr. Brent Trussan, Chief of Public Health, Manitoba, said most cases in the Prairie Mountain Health and Southern Health areas were associated with clusters of known cases. Brandon’s cluster of incidents has increased to 64 cases, he said.

New cases occur after 56 new cases confirmed by inspection. COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing Reported throughout Manitoba over the weekend.

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Health officials also reported on Saturday the ninth dead in Manitoba, a man from Portage La Prairie in his 80s who was infected by the virus.

Potential exposure warning

Lussan also warned earlier this month of potential exposure to the virus at the Seven-Eleven store in Brandon.

He said potential exposure is possible at a convenience store on Victoria Street 3360 from 7am to 3pm from August 5th to 7th.

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Lussan said the risk of transmission is considered low, but anyone in the store should seek an examination if symptoms occur.

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Doctors also called on only those who were experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or were advised by public health to go for an exam. Rusin said people with symptoms should be tested as soon as they have symptoms.

The state requires employers to send employees to a test only if they have symptoms or if the test is recommended by public health.

In Manitoba, COVID-19 tests were conducted 1,17116 Sundays, reaching 115,963 since the beginning of February.

COVID-19 Online Screening Tool State website..

Jump by case count

In Manitoba, after nearly two weeks, one case was not reported until the first half of July, and the number of cases is increasing rapidly.

No incident for 13 consecutive days in the state Ends on July 14 Five cases were reported and the total number of cases in Manitoba increased to 330.

read more:

Coronavirus killed 9 in Manitoba, 20 more positive

More than a month after these five cases were reported, the total number of cases in Manitoba more than doubled and 401 new cases were identified. Roussin also says there is evidence of community infection in both Winnipeg and Brandon.

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On Friday, health officials reported 40 new cases, linking a record of the highest daily increase in cases reported in Manitoba set in April.

Manitoba reports 40 new cases of coronavirus on Friday, setting record daily maximum cases

Manitoba reports 40 new cases of coronavirus on Friday, setting record daily maximum cases

Early May. The state has begun a phased approach to alleviating public health restrictions that have been put in place to stop the spread of the virus.

Relaxed rules limit the reopening of businesses such as restaurants, bars, and shopping centers, and more recently movie theaters and casinos have been able to reopen with capacity in late July.

Health officials also lifted a 14-day self-isolation order for those arriving in Manitoba from western states and parts of northern Ontario.

Reopening school

Last week, the Manitoba Minister of Education announced details of the state’s plans to return students to the classroom in September.

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School will reopen on September 8 and teachers and staff will return to prepare for September 2.

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Masks that are “highly recommended” but not required in Manitoba’s updated new semester plan

Face masks are “highly recommended” by the state plan, but not mandatory for students and staff returning to school, but all students and bus drivers above grade 5 must wear a mask on the school bus. there is.

Masks that are “highly recommended” but not required in Manitoba’s updated new semester plan

Masks that are “highly recommended” but not required in Manitoba’s updated new semester plan

The state says it will provide masks and other personal protective equipment to schools and districts for distribution to students and staff.

read more:

St. James-Athini Boia School District Buys Reusable Masks For Older Students

The state is expected to participate in all students and requires doctoral notes to say that the child is immunocompromised.

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The state said all Manitoba school districts should post a separate plan for resumption this week.

– More coming.

Coronavirus: Manitoba Family Considering Fall Homeschooling

Coronavirus: Manitoba Family Considering Fall Homeschooling

Questions about COVID-19? Here are some things you need to know:

Symptom It is very similar to a cold or flu, with a fever, cough, and difficulty breathing. Some people may develop more serious illnesses. The most dangerous people in this include the elderly and people with severe chronic medical conditions such as heart, lung or kidney disease. If you have symptoms Contact public health authorities..

To Prevent the spread of viruses, Professionals recommend frequent hand washing and coughing in the sleeves. It’s also a good idea to minimize contact with others and stay at home as much as possible and keep a distance of 2 meters from others when you go out. In situations where it is not possible to maintain a safe distance from others, public health authorities recommend the use of non-medical face masks or covers to prevent the spread of respiratory droplets that may carry the virus. Some states and local governments nationwide require masks or face covers in public indoor spaces.

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For full coverage of COVID-19 from Global News: click here..

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