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MP Does Not Relax “Disappointed” Coronavirus Regulation at Stockport, but Welcomes New Government Approach


Hazel Grove MP William Lagg said the restrictions on the coronavirus, unlike Wigan, have not been relaxed at Stockport, but welcome the new “targeted” approach announced by the government.

Lagman broke class to criticize the nature of the Great Manchester lockdown’blanket’ announced at the end of last month-Stockport was in a much different situation than struggling Boroughs such as Oldham. Insisted.

He was also one of the nine Greater Manchester Conservative legislators who wrote to the Secretary of Health about the region’s “unacceptable approach” to tackle Covid-19.

Since then, Stockport has seen things like spikes-understood to be driven primarily by rates among young adults-but now has the lowest infection rates in Berwigan in the urban area. I am.

Stockport Town Center.

But early today (Friday), the government announced that Wigan, which has always had the lowest number of cases in Greater Manchester, will be released from local lockdown rules starting next Wednesday.

They impose greater restrictions on socializing indoors, including pubs and restaurants, and visiting friends and family than anywhere else in the country.

However, in spite of the “Green Alert”, Stockport remains under these rules for now-part of Greater Manchester, East Lancashire, West Yorkshire.

Wragg admitted that Stockport, along with Wigan, wanted to be removed from regulation, but was encouraged that things were “in the right direction.”

He said: “I’m disappointed, but it’s going in the right direction, so we can see where we are going with this.”

“Since Wigan has been removed, there are clear signs and you can see which number you are aiming for.”

He also welcomed the move to more targeted interventions. This will allow the council to focus resources on wards that need additional assistance and reduce restrictions on those with the lowest infection rates.

Starting next week, it is expected that the Council and MP will work together to recommend individual regions that may be exempt from existing limits if the number of cases is small enough.

Mr Lagug said he is looking forward to ensuring that the region is free from restrictions wherever possible, “in constructive cooperation with the Stockport Council.”

“There is a clear downtrend in Stockport numbers, and we look forward to this more granular approach, including conversations between local governments and legislators,” he said.

“It provides us with data for our region, so we can make assertions to mitigate these additional measures brought together.”

Additional rules regarding social gatherings-which also apply to parts of Leicester, East Lancashire and West Yorkshire-will be reviewed again next week.

Further socialization restrictions will be introduced from midnight on Saturday in Oldham, Pendle and Blackburn.

People in these three areas cannot interact with anyone other than their family members. It is also advisable to stop the walk-in at the restaurant as well and only seat those who have booked in advance (maximum 6 people per table).


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