Breaking News | Las Vegas Cosmopolitan Casino Workers Claim It Is “The Wuhan on the Strip”
Cosmopolitan Casino Workers Las Vegas It’s the’Wuhan of the Strip’, and when management turned to maskless gamblers who fool capacity rules and regularly orally abuse staff, they said they weren’t afraid.
Ten anonymous workers at the casino broke silence and explained the degree of “fear” they caught COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing Players believe that COVID does not exist when they arrive in Las Vegas, so expect the strip shutter again.
The staff said Daily beast Gamblers disregard COVID-19’s safety measures by denying social distance, roaming maskless and smoking in the building.
They claim a strict 50% capacity, symptomatic staff testing and public position of the quarantine casino, and the mask duty of all staff and guests is actually the most relaxing of all casinos on the Strip. It’s just the front of what the attitude is. The staff, who tested positive for the killer virus, returned to work after just three days.
That’s because the deadly virus case has soared since the famous casino opened doors in June to welcome gamblers. Over the past two months alone, more than 70 cosmopolitan employees have been reported infected.
Workers at the Las Vegas Cosmopolitan Casino said it was “Wuhan on the Strip” and was “not afraid” as the management screened capacity and blinded its staff to verbally abuse maskless gamblers. I am saying. Photo of a gambler crowd at a casino on July 18
A woman who has worked as a pit boss for over 10 years at Cosmopolitan, says she sees a beast gambler roaming the casino every night without a mask.
She said other gamblers smoke indoors and process cards with their bare hands-the casino does not get cleaned between uses.
she said. “I’ve heard players say they love Cosmo since it opened because there are few rules.”
She said, “I’m sick in my stomach,” thinking of spreading the virus to my family when I got home from work.
“I go to work every day, literally my stomach hurts every day. I’m very anxious about everything and it gets even worse when I get over 50% of the capacity we have to adhere to on the weekends. She said.
“I felt fear. I’m afraid to get it, take it home and meet my family. ”
When she asked the gambler to mask her in line with the casino’s COVID-19 safety rules, she was called a “stupid f**king bitch” or a “little white c*” Said he was mistreated * t’.
Ten anonymous workers in the casino (pictured) explain the “fear” that breaks silence, catches COVID-19 and expects a strip shutter again
Another staff member, who said he has been working at the casino from “first day,” said he saw the gambler spraying cigar smoke directly on the dealer’s face within hours of resuming.
“And it continues to get worse, players don’t wear masks properly, social distances are zero, and there are more players in the game than they are allowed to,” he says to Beast. Told.
He accused the casino of being “perfect for protecting employees” because the player could not be disciplined for dangerous behavior, but he could only continue to work. I said that I feel no.
“I wish I could get out of here,” he said. “I would have walked if I had no family to take care of.”
Some other employees also said responsibility lies with senior management who blamed them for blinding the guidelines and not doing enough to protect their workforce.
The staff said they were expected to reuse the disposable face masks on multiple shifts until they complained to the boss many times.
Staff say Daily Beast gamblers are ignoring COVID-19’s safety measures by denying social distances, walking around maskless and smoking inside the building. Inside the casino on July 2nd
They claim a strict 50% ability, symptomatic staff testing and public position of the quarantine casino, the mask duty of all staff and guests is actually the most relaxing of all casinos on the strip. It’s just the front of what the attitude is.
Deadly virus cases have surged in Sin City since the famous casino began welcoming gamblers from the door in June.
Many workers are allowed some staff to return to work in just three days after a positive test, even though the CDC guidelines state that infected persons need to be isolated for 14 days. Argues that
A table game dealer who worked for eight years at a casino told Beast that he quit his job in mid-July because he felt that his employer was “absolute minimum to protect the dealer”. ..
In addition to the lack of masks, workers were expected to crawl the night shuttle together, and the table lacked Plexiglas to protect the workers, he said.
“Frankly, my health is more important than someone getting treatment,” he said.
Another staff member said the casino he had been a dealer for 10 years had a reputation as “Strip’s “Wuhan” and its loose rules had in the past attracted another type of customer.
“We’ve gone from a place of class and fame to a rowdy, drunken and rowdy party lover,” he told Beast.
“In their mind, once they arrive in Las Vegas, COVID doesn’t exist.”
Coronavirus cases in Nevada have surged since the state reopened the casino in June, with infections increasing from an average of 100-200 per day to about 1,000 the following month.
Clark County, which covers Las Vegas, has recorded 56,796 cases, accounting for 86% of the 66,010 cases across the state.
Of the 1,200 people in the state, a total of 1,028 people have died in the county, with a positive rate of 11.7%, higher than elsewhere.
According to Beast, at least 70 cosmopolitan staff have tested positive for COVID-19 since reopening in June, raising fears for the safety of casino workers.
Throughout the industry, 36 union members and their spouses or children have died in the last three months. Bethany Khan, Communications Director of the Las Vegas Culinary Union, told Beast.
The COVID-19-related hospitalizations of culinary associations and bartenders union members and/or their families since June 4, when the casino is allowed to reopen, are based on 5 patients (because they were hospitalized due to COVID-19). From June 4th) to 69 (COVID-19 patients hospitalized on July 29th),” said Khan.
Adolfo Fernandes, 51-year-old utility porter of the infamous Caesars Entertainment, tested positive for COVID-19 and died in June before the casino introduced the mask delegation.
Meanwhile, Wynn Resorts reported that about 300 out of 17,000 employees tested positive for COVID-19.
Nevada’s grim figures have led Governor Steve Sisolak to revert to state resumption plans, including closing bars along the strip and issuing statewide mask orders.
Sisolac also introduced legislation earlier this month that specifically protects hospitality workers and businesses in the virus.
Named “Adolfo Fernandezville” on behalf of Caesar’s employees, Senate Bill 4 is “the first law in the country to protect all workers in the hospitality industry in Las Vegas and Reno, from Bellagio to Motel 6.”
However, while this shows signs of progress, the potential hotbeds of the casino are still open and local leaders are entrusted with implementing the measures.
Mayor Caroling Goodman of Las Vegas blasted the state’s closure before the “total madness” in March and set up a “control group” to test the damage that could occur if Sin City continues to be massively open. Seldom introduces safety measures after stating that it can be
Goodman has since left the casino to his device. In short, workers and visitors have noticed a huge difference in the safety efforts of different employers.
One Cosmopolitan employee said another casino on the Strip takes the pandemic much more seriously and has implemented protocols to protect staff and players.
She pointed out that “forcing social distance” was “amazing at keeping employees safe”, opening only all other slot machines, letting players wear masks, and arriving at the guest on arrival. Pointed out Wynn, who issues a random test to staff every week. .. contacted Cosmopolitan for comment on the allegation.
A spokesperson told Beast that he has been offering “free tests, temperature checks, paid leave for employees” since June.
“Our highest priority is employee and guest safety. Over the past few months, we have implemented a wide range of health and safety policies and procedures. All of these are required by Senate Bill 4. Meets or exceeds directives and guidance from local health and government authorities, including those listed above.
“Our company continues to operate, so our team’s health and well-being includes expanded benefits, an onsite team of certified health care professionals, real-time communication channels, and 24/7 accessible COVID-19 support. Additional protections for teams, dedicated resort ambassadors, enforcement of resort-wide health and safety guidelines, conversion of meeting space from conferences to expansive employee rest and dining areas, and more.
“We continue to seek employee feedback and adjust and enhance protocols and a wide range of safety and security measures in real time,” added the casino.
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