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LA County warns people to remember viral spikes


LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA — Staying alert and following health guidelines is still important, officials said on Tuesday what happened to LA county residents in July, and how coronavirus cases climbed across states. Urged me not to forget.

Los Angeles County health officials are positive about the trend of fewer cases, deaths, and hospitalizations of coronavirus, although past self-satisfaction and deviations from health discipline may recur. Reminded me that it led to a certain rising spike.

“The work we’ve done as a community and the sacrifices we’re doing are working,” Dr. Muntu Davis said Monday. “We are preventing COVID-19 infections, including serious illness and death. Next, if we can maintain this low infection rate, schools and more businesses will be able to resume operations and eventually return indoors. Or you may start thinking about things.

“But what I would like to emphasize is the importance of all of us learning from our recent past, and the surge of cases we experienced in July, hospitalization, and death in the community,” he said. “As we continue on our journey of recovery, we must all proceed with caution. We must all have our role in this recovery.”

Davis announced 13 new deaths from the coronavirus, but Long Beach health officials reported two more, increasing the county-wide to 5,560 since the beginning of the pandemic. Davis also confirmed 1,198 new cases, while Long Beach reported 36 and Pasadena health officials announced 8, raising the cumulative number to 232,937. The number of people hospitalized in the county was 1,219 as of Monday, continuing to plummet from an average of over 2,000 in late July.

Davis followed a chart showing the trajectory of the major virus tracking numbers-daily numbers of new cases, positive rates, hospitalizations and deaths. In each case, the number increased dramatically in mid-July, following widespread business resumption and the weekend of July 4. This number has since declined, subject to more stringent restrictions, such as forcing many companies to operate only outdoors.

In the past week, health officials have pointed out that the county met five of the state’s six virus surveillance standards and that the incidence of new cases per 100,000 alone was not enough. Until that rate declines, the county will remain on the state’s list and will be unable to relax restrictions or reopen school campuses.

LA County was one of 35 counties on the watch list as of Monday. Orange County was removed from the list over the weekend.

“Together we must all take our part seriously and be diligent,” Davis said. “It’s everyone’s goal to reach a place where we can safely resume, but to reach this place we need to include communities where we can resume school in a safer way for students, teachers and students. The infection rate of the staff should continue to be reduced.

“A careful resumption does not mean that everything returns to normal and pre-COVID-19,” he said. “A careful restart means taking the lessons learned in July seriously and moving to new standards that make immediate infection control practice a part of our daily lives.”

Late July, California surpassed New York Coronavirus cases.

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