Colon cancer is increasing among adolescents
Actor Chadwick Borsman, 43, died of colon cancer on Friday, Friday – A leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States, and an increasingly affecting cause for young Americans.
Mortality from colon and rectal cancer has been declining for decades due to improved screening and treatments, although youth mortality has increased slightly in recent years, according to the researchers.
Dr. Nilofer Azad, Associate Professor of Oncology at Johns Hopkins Medicine, said: “More and more people in their 30s and 40s have colorectal cancer because they have symptoms that are unlikely to be cancer.”
About 30% of colorectal cancers diagnosed today are in people under 55, she said. Symptoms of colorectal cancer include altered bowel movements, rectal bleeding, bloody stools, and abdominal pain.
Bozeman, who brought the world the’Black Panther’ by playing a black icon on a silver screen in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer in 2016, and stage IV, the family said in a statement Friday. It was
Colorectal cancer, including colon and rectal cancer, is expected to cause more than 50,000 deaths by 2020. This includes 3,640 deaths of people under the age of 50.
The lifetime risk of developing colorectal cancer is about 1 in 23 in men and 1 in 25 in women, the American Cancer Society said. More than 100,000 people will be diagnosed with colon cancer and 40,000 people with rectal cancer this year. This includes 18,000 cases of colorectal cancer in people under the age of 50.
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More young people are affected
For young people, their numbers are increasing. According to the American Cancer Society, colorectal cancer deaths among people under 55 have increased by 1% annually since 2008 and 2017.
In 2017, approximately 130 people in their 20s, 720 people in their 30s, and 2,700 people in their 40s died of colorectal cancer, and the mortality rate of the elderly is increasing. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention..
From the late 1970s to the early 1980s, colon cancer diagnosis declined in the age group under 50 and increased in those over the age of 50, 2017 Research in National Cancer Institute Journal..
However, the trend reversed in the mid-1980s, with rates falling for adults over 55 years old, 2.4% per year for adults ages 20-29 and 1% for adults ages 30-39. Increased The study was found.
The incidence of rectal cancer makes this trend even more extreme.
“If you were born after 1990, you were twice as likely to have colorectal cancer as you were before 1990, and four times as likely to have rectal cancer,” said Michael, CEO of the Colorectal Cancer Alliance. Sapienza says. “Unfortunately, it’s an ever-growing trend.”
Sapienza, whose mother died of colon cancer at the age of 56, said oncologists had a later diagnosis of colorectal cancer, which is often mistaken for other illnesses.
“What’s happening is that young people need to go to a symptomatic doctor and see three or four doctors before being diagnosed,” he said. “Especially now in the world of telemedicine, people are afraid to recommend colonoscopies. If you have rectal bleeding, night sweats, cramps, especially dark blood, you really need to emphasize it to your doctor .”
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Baltimore Orioles outfielder Trey Mancini was diagnosed three days before his 28th birthday. During his spring training, he found low iron levels in a pair of blood tests. It was stage III colon cancer that he first suspected to have gastric ulcers or celiac disease. Manci resected the malignant tumor a week later and started chemotherapy in April.
“If you’re young like me, you probably don’t think you have colorectal cancer,” Munch told USA TODAY. His father was diagnosed with stage II cancer at the age of 58. “I was shocked”
Oncologists do not yet know what is causing the increasing number of cases among adolescents, but there are several theories.
“We really can’t focus on one cause,” Azad said. “It’s possible that dietary changes, obesity, and increased prevalence of diabetes are all associated with colorectal cancer.”
High consumption of processed meat and alcohol, low physical activity and fiber consumption, and smoking are also known risk factors, according to the researchers.
“It’s not surprising that the timing of the prevalence of obesity parallels the increase in colorectal cancer. Many behaviors that are thought to promote weight gain, including unhealthy eating patterns and sedentary lifestyles, It increases the risk of colorectal cancer individually,” the researchers say in a 2017 study.
Black Americans were affected by imbalance
Overall, colorectal cancer disproportionately affects black Americans. Rebecca Siegel, an American cancer epidemiologist and scientific director of surveillance research, said that black men and women have about 20% higher cancer rates than whites and about 40% chance of dying from colorectal cancer. High. Cancer Society.
“The difference in mortality is noticeable,” Siegel said. “It’s also an elephant in a whole-body racism room that has been going on for decades, affecting everyone in the black community, regardless of their wealth status.”
According to Siegel, the gap between black and white Americans is narrowing among young people. White Americans under the age of 50 accounted for the majority of cases in younger age groups, she said.
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When should I have a colonoscopy?
To address the increasing prevalence of colorectal cancer among adolescents, researchers educate clinicians and the general public about symptoms and screening, have less access to primary care physicians, and may declare them. Bankruptcy due to their cancer treatment, Siegel said, suggests expanding health care access to high youth.
Researchers are also proposing to develop new strategies to curb the epidemic of obesity and shift Americans to a healthier diet and a more active lifestyle.
Ending the prejudice about colorectal cancer is also important, experts say.
“A very common symptom is bleeding from the stool, which is embarrassing. Young people aren’t used to talking to their friends about these symptoms,” Siegel said.
Reducing stigma and raising awareness of both young people’s symptoms and risks can directly save lives, she said.
“Some people may find it difficult to talk about colon and bowel movements, but this is the third most common cancer and we need to talk more about it,” Munch said.
In 2018, the American Cancer Society updated its guidelines to recommend to people at average risk of colorectal cancer Start regular screening at age 45, Or 40 years of age if you have a personal or family history of colorectal cancer, or a history of inflammatory bowel disease.
“Everyone has always said that colonoscopies aren’t needed until age 50, but that’s obviously not the case,” Manci said. “I wish I could have screened it when I was about 25.”
More groups will revisit the guidelines next year or two years later, Azad said.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if the screening started early across other guidelines committees,” Azad said. “This is a very treatable cancer, and once people are screened it is a completely preventable cancer.”
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