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Antibody-treated Trump advertises that he relies on tests in fetal tissue that he opposes


However, repeated praise for the antibody cocktail that the president received when he was first hospitalized nearly a week ago considers that he cracked down on fetal tissue studies at the request of social conservatives, who are essential to his political foundation. Caused controversy.

“It’s a blatant hypocrisy,” said Lawrence Goldstein, a senior faculty member at the University of California, San Diego, who used fetal tissue in his study.
“Many enemies [of fetal tissue research] For cell lines involved in both Regeneron’s treatment and the coronavirus vaccine under development, Gold sits on a federal ethics advisory board created in the summer to consider whether NIH should be given to the federal government. Stein said. Grants or contracts for proposals that are considered scientifically worthy.The Board recommended rejecting all but one of the 14 Suggestion.

Another advisory board member, David Prentice, vice president and research director of the Anti-Abuse Charlotte Roger Institute, said Trump’s use of cocktails raises ethical concerns. Said. According to Prentice, the reason was that the fetal cell line was only involved in testing whether the antibody helped defeat the virus, not the production of the antibody itself.

“We want to avoid using controversial cell lines in our tests because we have other options,” Prentice said. “But testing on that side doesn’t affect me with respect to drug recipients.”

White House officials spoke on anonymous terms because they were not allowed to talk about this issue, and under NIH guidelines, “using existing cell lines that existed before June 5, 2019.” The product produced is the use of human fetal tissue by selective abortion. “

Controversy arises after Mr. Trump appeared in a video released on Twitter Wednesday night, standing in the sunlight outside the White House and praising Regeneron’s treatment as a misunderstanding of a virus treatment. Ascended. He said, “Blessing from God,” because the diagnosis of the virus that killed at least 211,000 people in the United States was able to directly discover how antibody cocktails made him feel “wonderful … just perfect.” “.

On Wednesday night, Regeneron applied to the Food and Drug Administration for an emergency permit to use cocktails for some covid-19 patients. According to a spokesman for a company, 2,000 people participated in the final stage of the exam and received either a cocktail or a placebo. With the exception of these participants, the company has given less than 10 people, including the president, special “compassionate use” permits to use the treatment, spokeswoman Alexandra Bowie said.

Treatment is based on a mixture of two antibodies. One is being developed in a mouse model that does not contain human tissue from abortion. Another is testing its effectiveness by creating a “pseudovirus” from a cell line known as HEK293T, Bowie said. The strain was derived from Dutch human fetal tissue in the 1970s and was adopted by Stanford University in the 1980s.

A 2016 article published in the journal Critical Reviews in Biotechnology explores the history of the use of human cell lines in biopharmacy manufacturing, with the same cell line HEK293T., At that point, it led to five treatments approved by the Food and Drug Administration, including treatments for hemophilia and type 2 diabetes.

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