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Duke-NUS research reveals why bats are a good reservoir of virus without getting sick


Singapore, October 27, 2020-The bat is a zoonotic virus, including SARS-CoV, MERS CoV, Ebola virus, and perhaps SARS-CoV-2, the pathogen behind the coronavirus epidemic. Functions as a storage for the virus. However, the molecular mechanism by which bats develop to tolerate pathogenic viruses remains unclear.

Now, scientists at Duke-NUS School of Medicine in Singapore have discovered a new molecular mechanism by which bats can withstand the zoonotic virus without getting sick.Published this week Minutes of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)This study suggests that bats employ a unique strategy to prevent an overactive immune response that protects bats from diseases caused by the zoonotic virus.

The team will investigate three bat species: Pteropus alecto (black fruit bat), Eonycteris spelaea (cave nectar bat), and Myotis davidii (David’s myotis bat), which mediate the immune and inflammatory response of mammals. These mechanisms allow bats to carry and infect zoonotic pathogens without causing the detrimental consequences of immune activation.

One of the mechanisms used by bats is to reduce the levels of caspase-1, a protein that induces the important inflammatory cytokine protein interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β). Another mechanism they employ prevents the maturation of IL-1β cytokines through a fine-tuned balance between caspase-1 and IL-1β.

“Suppression of excessive inflammatory responses improves longevity and prevents age-related decline in humans. Our findings have potential for the development of new therapeutic strategies that can control and treat human infections. It may provide insight, “said a study from Duke-NUS’s Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) program.

“This study exemplifies world-class research led by our talented faculty to advance basic scientific knowledge. Professor Wang’s study shows how zoo diseases occur in nature. It is even more important in the context of COVID-19 by gaining a better understanding of what will last. It may support new approaches to managing future outbreaks, “said Duke-NUS Medical School Senior Researcher. Vice Dean Professor Patrick Casey said.

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