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Public Health, Personal Concerns in Students’ Mind As Influenza Vaccination Deadline Approaches | News


4: 22: 11: 10-25-2020 FluShots

Venessa Cordero Liberato, a digital media and design major, was vaccinated against the flu on Sunday, October 25, 2020 in Croggarfield, Lexington, Kentucky. Photo by Michael Clubb | Staff.

The University of Kentucky requires all students and faculty members living on or visiting the campus to be vaccinated against influenza by November 1.

This new obligation, first announced on October 8, is part of the UK’s ongoing response to COVID-19, but some students are upset and hesitant to comply.

The UK has partnered with Kroger for influenza vaccination. Students living on campus can use the shots for free, and if they have one, they will be insured. If not, the cost will be borne by the UK.Students can make an appointment to get a flu shot at one of several campus locations by visiting are required to bring their student ID, insurance card, if available, and voucher on the website.

According to British spokesman Jay Brunton, as of October 21, only 2,500 students are in compliance with their flu shot obligations, with an additional 22,500 vaccinations expected over the next two weeks. .. Each shot costs $ 25 to college. That means about $ 625,000 will be spent on this precaution. Brunton plans to remind students to make reservations and emphasize the importance of influenza vaccination, although it is too early for the UK to comment on vaccination student compliance. Said.

National leaders such as Dr. Anthony Fauci and national health departments have emphasized the importance of influenza vaccination this year, strengthened public health campaigns around them, and prevented the spread of secondary diseases this year. We aim to vaccinate as many people as possible.

“Influenza vaccination is especially important this year because we don’t want widespread influenza outbreaks during the global COVID-19 pandemic. Kevin of the Lexington-Fayette County Health Department. Hall said:

Reducing influenza cases is a plus in the first place, with the added benefit of freeing up space in the emergency and intensive care units so that hospitals can cope with the increasing wave of COVID-19 cases. Nationally, the average number of deaths from influenza has ranged from 22,000 to 61,000 over the past eight years, according to the CDC. According to Johns Hopkins’ COVID-19 tracking page, the pandemic has already killed 225,000 Americans this year.

Students are uncertain about the flu shots they need and are wary of the UK exceeding its university limits.

Senior Lee Gamma Tin, who studies business marketing and neuroscience, shared that sentiment.

“I was planning to get a flu shot, but when I heard they were demanding it, I was like,’Oh, that’s kind of aggressive,'” Martin said. Said.

This is the first time the UK has required students to be vaccinated against the flu, but some vaccinations, such as meningitis, are required before the year of the student’s freshman.

“I don’t think there’s anything the college needs medically, not a normal booster shot, but I know where they come from. I don’t agree with that, but I understand it. We do, “said Ethan Sharp, a sophomore who studies integrated strategic communication.

Some students may disagree with the requirements, but share Sharp’s view that the university understands why it is doing it and how it helps public health.

“If people wanted to get a flu shot, they would have decided to make it an available opportunity for people,” Martin said. “I love them doing them at the Student Center and offering vouchers to go to Kroger, but I’m not sure if they require it for all students.”

Kentucky law states, “In the event of an epidemic in a particular area, the Health and Family Services Cabinet requires urgent regulations to vaccinate everyone in the endemic area against the disease that causes such an epidemic. May be. “.”

However, the law applies primarily to the COVID-19 vaccine and is not yet available. Influenza is not a pandemic-causing illness, but its medical relevance to public health can generally be used as a justification for mandate. And in bad years of the flu, the flu can be considered a local epidemic.

Still, some students feel that getting a flu shot should be a personal decision, not a requirement.

“We don’t feel we need to be forced to take it. It should be a choice and students should go if they wish,” said Abriel Mansfield, a freshman and art studio major. Told.

Quin Yessin, a freshman in medical school, said he wanted students to be warned about the requirements.

“I think the UK should have announced that it would require a flu shot at the beginning of the semester, rather than deciding to wait along the way,” Yesin said.

Although exemptions exist, students must appeal to the Disability Resource Center for medical risks such as egg and mercury allergies and Guillain-Barré syndrome. Students who wish to opt out of influenza vaccination for religious reasons should contact the British Health Corps.

4: 12: 51: 10-25-2020 FluShots

In the UK, two students are presented with a form to be vaccinated against influenza at Crogerfield in Lexington, Kentucky on Sunday, October 25, 2020. Photo by Michael Clubb | Staff.

Many students recognize the benefits of influenza vaccination, especially to protect large communities, but are afraid that precedent UK has set up compulsory vaccination, rather a problem. Have choices

Freshman Wychofflyn Morris had no plans to get a flu shot, as the UK is demanding a flu shot.

“If we get us vaccinated against the flu, it feels like we’re trying to force people to get the corona vaccine,” Morris said.

Yesin, Mansfield, and Sharp shared the same concerns about the UK vaccination with the mandatory COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has not yet been approved, but several are under development, including clinical trials in the United Kingdom. Prior to COVID-19, the earliest production of mumps vaccine was four years.


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