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More intensive and less frequent medications can cure Chagas disease


Researchers at the Center for Tropical and Emerging World Diseases at the University of Georgia have found that more intensive and infrequent drug therapies with currently available treatments can treat the infections that cause Chagas disease. This is a potentially life-threatening illness in the United States.

Trypanosoma cruzi is a unicellular parasite that causes Chagas disease. At least 6 million people are infected with T. cruzi, mainly in South America. Current drug therapies are ineffective in completely eliminating the infection and have serious and harmful side effects.

A single dose of benznidazole has been shown to be very effective in killing over 90% of parasites. However, after the CTEGD team discovered that some of the parasites were in the dormant phase, researchers hypothesized that an intermittent treatment schedule could be effective.

With this system, you can see what a single dose of the drug does. Does it make sense to give the drug twice daily when the remaining dormant parasites are insensitive to it? “

Rick Tarton, Professor Regent, Department of Cell Biology at UGA

Researchers found that taking 2.5 times the usual daily dose of benznidazole once a week for 30 weeks completely eliminated the infection, whereas the standard daily dose was given weekly. It was found that the infection was not completely resolved even after one dose for a longer period of time. ..

“Current human trials are only looking at giving lower doses in a shorter period of time, which is the exact opposite of what we are showing,” says Tarton.

Since Tarleton’s team used a mouse model, it remains unclear how this change in treatment plan will be reflected in humans, as well as the potential side effects of high doses. Side effects are already a problem with current treatments. We hope that the side effects of less frequent administration will be more tolerated.

Assessing the success of treatment for Chagas disease is an important issue. Tissue samples from infected organisms may not be representative of organs or whole animals. This is because the number of persistent dormant parasites is low and can be difficult to detect. Therefore, Tarleton’s group used a light-sheet fluorescence microscope to observe the entire intact organ of infected mice.

“Lightsheet fluorescence microscopy provides a wide field of view of potentially any tissue in a mouse that allows for a reliable assessment of parasite load and persistence,” says Tarleton. “It gives you an incredible view of infection.”

Using this technique, they learned something new about dormant parasites: some were still sensitive to medication. This offers hope that new drug therapies targeting these parasites may be developed.

“Discovery of new drugs should continue,” Tarton said. “We still need better medicine.”


Journal reference:

Bustamante, JM, et al. (2020) Modified drug therapy clears active and dormant trypanosoma in a mouse model of Chagas disease. Scientific translation medicine..


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