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Vicky Ferrand reveals that her cancer has progressed


CERVICALCHECK CAMPAIGNER Vicky Phelan revealed that she had developed a new tumor for the first time in more than two years.

In a series of tweets tonight, Ms. Ferran said she had developed a new 3 mm tumor in her lungs, in addition to the growth of three tumors.

“I knew this day was coming, and I would stop Pembrolizumab from keeping all my tumors away. But I’m very happy to have fought for Pembrolizumab. It gave me a quality of life of almost three years that I could never have hoped for with chemotherapy. Thanks to Pembrolizumab, “she said of a drug called pembrolizumab.

Ms. Ferran was diagnosed with terminal cancer after having previously received false-negative smear test results in 2018.

Ferran said he is currently actively researching options, but “I am very fortunate to not be able to report any other symptoms at this time, except for occasional extreme fatigue.”

“I will continue the campaign with 221plus for referees who meet the needs of women and families,” she said of the Cervical Check referee, who has been criticized for not being involved with 221+ group members.

Ms Phelan and others from the 221+ group, founded to support women and families identified as having arisen from the Cervical Check scandal, said last week that the Ministry of Health suspended the establishment of referees and allowed them to engage with members. Of the group who said they agreed.

However, the “promise was broken”, a statutory order to establish a referee was signed, and the referee was virtually launched last Tuesday.

The bureau has confirmed that the order has been signed and cannot be revoked.

Speak during an interview with RTÉ Radio 1 DriveTime Tonight, Ms. Ferrand said the campaign would help keep her occupying her mind, but as soon as the referee’s issues were cleared, she had to take a step back and focus on her health.

“My cancer didn’t go away. It’s stable on its own. What happened in the last few weeks is that I have a new tumor,” she said.

Unfortunately, there is no cure. All I do is buy time.

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“When we first launched the campaign in April 2018, he said he wanted something good to come out. [a tribunal] Good for women and families. A referee suitable for women and their families, that is what is intended.

“This is a disease that affects very young women with young families, who all leave young children behind or, in some cases, women who have not had the opportunity to have a family. “

Ms. Ferrand urged Health Minister Stephen Donnelly and the government to ensure that women and their families affected by the Cervical Check scandal act properly.

“Listen to our concerns and respond to the needs of women and families with elegance and compassion. Stop the cycle of protecting the nation in honor of those who have already died, such as Ruth, Emma, ​​Aura and Julie. Please, otherwise you will make these women fail again. ”


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