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The kidney community promotes innovative solutions and improves patient care — even during the national pandemic crisis


As healthcare professionals and medical researchers compete to understand the widespread effects of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) in 2019, nephrologists provide more treatment and more than 37 million Americans We have made significant improvements to the system that serves people.

As HHS 2020 progress report In the highlighted Advancing American Kidney Health (AAKH) initiative, the COVID-19 pandemic prevents people at risk from developing renal failure, reduces the number of patients undergoing intracenter dialysis, and has available kidneys. It emphasizes the need to increase the number. Transplant.

Initially thought to affect only the respiratory system, the virus also affects other organs in the body, including the kidneys. People with kidney disease, especially those with kidney failure, or those who have recently had a transplant, are at increased risk of a fatal infection because of a weakened immune system.

Patients with kidney disease 3.5 times COVID-19 patients with kidney disease who are more likely to be infected with COVID-19 2.5 times According to CMS, it is likely to be hospitalized. Patients with kidney disease have the highest COVID-19-related hospitalization rates among all Medicare recipients 2.5 times more likely to die From other patients hospitalized with COVID-19.

Minority people are already imbalanced in the effects of kidney disease, and pandemics expose and exacerbate existing health inequality.For example, compared to white Americans, African Americans Almost four times more likely And Hispanic 1.5 The chances of developing kidney failure are many times higher.

The kidney community is committed to research essential for the development of innovative therapies, multifaceted campaigns to raise public awareness, patients for treatments that treat complications associated with kidney disease and increase kidney potential. Advocates millions of new funding for legislation to increase access to transplants, and a comprehensive and realistic roadmap showing the future of kidney treatment.

KidneyXLaunched in 2018 as a public-private partnership between HHS and the American Society of Nephrology, it has already invested more than $ 4 million in the development of next-generation treatments and care delivery methods, and will receive more awards in the near future. planning.6 winners Kidney X Redesign Dialysis Phase 2 The competition, announced in April 2020, received a total of $ 3 million for work transforming dialysis treatment.

On October 30, 2020, KidneyX launched the $ 10 Million Artificial Kidney Award. This is an ambitious new award program that promotes the development of artificial kidneys and provides alternatives to dialysis for people suffering from renal failure. KidneyX lays the foundation for multiple prototype First In Human (FIH) clinical trials in just a few years.

Meanwhile, the National Institute of Diabetes and Gastroenterology and Renal Diseases (NIDDK) continues to support groundbreaking research to uncover innovative discoveries. The Kidney Precision Medicine Project, a pioneering project funded by NIDDK, is working to identify key pathways and targets for new therapies by obtaining and evaluating human kidney biopsies.

The kidney community is also working to raise awareness about the risks and effects of kidney disease, especially among minority communities.National Kidney Foundation “Are you 33%?” Awareness campaigns emphasize the fact that while about one-third of Americans are at risk of developing kidney disease in their lifetime, many are unaware of it. This campaign will help educate endangered Americans and encourage them to seek treatment early.

Kidney Care Partners (KCP), a diverse community of patients, professionals, researchers and manufacturers, has announced a unique framework for improving care, improving lives and saving on medical costs. Released in June 2019, Kidney Care FIRST: A framework for improving support and treatment of kidney disease It outlines a new vision for the future of kidney treatment and clarifies the need to implement a set of policy priorities to address the full range of the disease cycle.

New treatments and a dynamic, patient-centric focus using all resources, including what was learned during this pandemic, to protect the health and well-being of all Americans, especially those who are susceptible to kidney disease. Is important to develop. About the transformation of kidney care.

Author information

Anupam Agarwal, MD, FASN, American Society of Nephrology And John P. Butler, Chairman Kidney care partner, President and CEO of Akebia Therapeutics..


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