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A woman in her 60s died from COVID-19, the second in Latah County.Northwest

A woman in her 60s died from COVID-19, the second in Latah County.Northwest


Another person died of COVID-19 in the area after public health officials reported 87 new cases the day before Thanksgiving.

A woman in her 60s died of the virus in Latah County, according to public health officials. This woman is the second person in the county to die of COVID-19, following the death of a woman in her 70s. Since the pandemic began, 77 people have died from the virus in eight counties in the region.

“Unfortunately, another loss has been reported in one of our communities today. Our hearts are directed at those who have lost their loved ones because of COVID-19,” public health said. – Tara Macke, a spokeswoman for the North Central District of Idaho, said. “Currently, the prevalence of the community is high, and the risk of this virus is especially real for the elderly.”

All 41 people who died from the virus in the health districts of the five counties are over 60 years old. Five people in their 60s died in the district’s COVID-19, 9 in their 70s, 13 in their 80s, 13 in their 90s, and 1 in their 100s.

“Remember that no one in good health can be assured that the virus is most likely to be transmitted in the days immediately before the onset of symptoms,” McKe said. “When celebrating Thanksgiving, be safe and protect yourself and your loved ones from exposure to COVID-19.”

Nimiipuu Health of Nez Perce Tribe presented symptom statistics for COVID-19-positive patients at the Autumn General Assembly. The percentage is based on the symptoms found in more than 200 patients.

Cough was the first COVID-19 symptom developed by tribal patients, accounting for 79 percent. 72% experienced headaches. 67% had a runny nose. 62% had fatigue. 54% had a sore throat. 51% had muscle pain. 48 percent had a fever. 48 percent were chills. 34% had a loss of taste and smell. Twenty-three percent were short of breath. Twenty-one percent had nausea and / or vomiting. 17% wheeze. 16 percent had diarrhea. 16 percent had abdominal pain. 13 percent felt pain. Nine percent had difficulty breathing. Nine percent had other symptoms. And 5 percent had shaking.

The Lewiston Fire Department has had five more employees positive for the virus in the last seven days, Fire Chief Travis Mickle Bust said Wednesday. The department transported 23 COVID-19-positive patients from November 18th to Monday. It transported 28 COVID-19-positive patients between October 28 and November 17, when the numbers began to be tracked.

The Lewiston Fire Department ambulance was transported 95 times from November 18th to Monday, with 12 other patients experiencing COVID-19-like symptoms. Patients with COVID-19 and coronavirus symptoms dominated ambulance transport on November 18 and 19, with 10 positive transports and 3 COVID-like symptoms out of 20 transports on November 18. According to Myklebust with 6 positives and 3 COVID-19 symptoms, 19 will be shipped on November 19. On Monday, the department did not transport COVID-19-positive patients, and only two of those 20 transports had COVID-19 symptoms.

The Lewiston School District on Wednesday released its final COVID-19 report until next Monday for Thanksgiving holidays, reporting two new cases. The school district has had 175 cases since the beginning of the school year. There are 25 active cases, 15 of which are student groups and 10 of which are school district staff with 4,588 students and 999 staff.

Whitman County public health officials reported 26 new cases of the virus on Wednesday. There were 2,285 cases and 22 deaths in the county. Six people from the county are hospitalized for this disease.

“Collecting with people who don’t live with us, even close friends and family, can spread COVID-19,” said a Whitman County news release. “The safest thing for everyone is to avoid rallies, even outdoors, and find different ways to celebrate this season.”

Nez Perce County reported 22 new cases on Wednesday. There were 2,203 cases and 30 deaths in the county. There were 1,199 active cases and 974 recovered from the virus in the county.

Latah County reported 18 new cases on Wednesday. There were 1,659 cases and 2 deaths in the county. There were 666 active cases and 991 recovered from county COVID-19.

Asotin County reported nine new cases on Wednesday. In the county, there were 754 cases and 13 deaths from the virus. Two people from the county were hospitalized for COVID-19.

Clearwater County reported six new cases on Wednesday. There are 484 cases in the county and no deaths. There were 323 active cases in the county and 161 recovered.

Idaho County reported three new cases on Wednesday. There were 741 cases and 6 deaths in the county. There were 333 active cases in the county and 402 recovered.

Garfield County reported three new cases on Wednesday. There were 69 cases and 1 death in the county. There were 6 active cases in the county, and 62 recovered.

Lewis County did not report a new case on Wednesday. There were 187 cases and 3 deaths in the county. There were 104 active cases in the county and 80 recovered.

Washington reported 2,887 new cases, killing an additional 14 people. In Washington State, there have been 153,906 proceedings, an increase of 18,482 in the past week. The state’s death toll was 2,704, an increase of 112 over the past week. The number of people admitted to Evergreen for COVID-19 was 10,242, an increase of 620 over the past week. Hospitalization doubled from 471 on November 1st to 932 on Monday, according to the Washington State Department of Health. In the state, there were 124 COVID-19 patients in the intensive care unit on November 1st and 214 patients in the ICU on Monday.

Idaho reported 1,773 new cases and 21 deaths at COVID-19 on Wednesday. The number of Gemstate cases was 96,503, an increase of 10,068 from a week ago. Idaho has killed 895 people from the virus, an increase of 83 from a week ago.

As of Monday, Idaho reported that 453 people were admitted to 46 hospitals throughout the state due to COVID-19. The latest data will be released on Wednesday. COVID-19 hospitalization on Monday was the second highest in the state since the pandemic began. There were 463 Aida Juan who were hospitalized for COVID-19 on November 19.

“This situation is so urgent that everyone in Washington now needs to take action to stop the COVID-19 epidemic before our hospitals and frontline healthcare professionals are overwhelmed. “There is,” said Dr. Kathy Loffy, Washington State Health Officer. “I am very concerned about the current exponential growth of COVID-19 cases. Now we all have to recommit to flatten the curve.”

Idaho reported that 108 people were in the state hospital ICU for COVID-19 on Monday. The total ICU was a record high, surpassing the record high of 96 on November 11.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 3,743 Aida Juan have been hospitalized for COVID-19. In the past week of available data, an additional 431 Aida Juan have been hospitalized for the virus. Hospitalizations in the state include 228 people between the ages of 18 and 29, an increase of 25 from a week ago. 265 people in their 30s, 30 more than a week ago. 356 in 40s, 43 increase from 1 week ago. 465 people in their 50s, 60 more than a week ago. 712 in 60s, 98 increase from 1 week ago. 935 in the 70’s, 137 increase from a week ago. 617 in the 1980s, up 84 from a week ago. 157 in the 90’s, 17 more than a week ago, 4 over 100 years old, same as a week ago.

The state’s coronavirus website reported only four hospitalizations for children under the age of 18 on Wednesday. This is 63 times less than reported a week ago. It’s unclear if it’s an error or a fix. The state reports more than 60 hospitalizations per month for people under the age of 18.

Idaho reported 112 available ICU beds and 432 available ventilators.

At Gemstate, 698,256 polymerase chain reaction (PCR), COVID-19 tests are performed on 464,446 Aida Juan, and 31,219 antigen tests are being performed. Idaho has reported 33,878 PCR COVID-19 tests performed in the North Central District since the pandemic began. PCR tests were performed 248 times in March, 709 times in April, 1,070 times in May, 2,304 times in June, 3,819 times in July, 7,529 times in August, 4,891 times in September, and 8,382 times in October. , It was 4,926 times until November 14th.

Idaho’s virus deaths include two people between the ages of 18 and 29, the same as a week ago. 6 people in their 30s, 1 more than a week ago. 17 people in their 40s, 2 more than a week ago. 36 people in their 50s, 4 more than a week ago. 112 in 60s, 8 increase from 1 week ago. 244 in his 70s, 24 more than a week ago. There were 478 people over the age of 80, an increase of 44 from a week ago.

Of the 895 deaths in Idaho, 392 were women and 503 were men. Aida Juan dies of COVID-19 at a rate of 50.1 per 100,000. Men die of the virus at a rate of 56.1 per 100,000 in Gem. Women die of the disease at a rate of 44 per 100,000.


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