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COVID-19 Health Sector Survey Changing As Cases Increase | News


As the number of cases of COVID-19 increases and resources are scarce, the Texas County Health Department said Monday night that it would change the focus of conducting a case study.

“The local health department has been working tirelessly to contact all positive cases. This is because the cases are COVID-, as the number of cases continues to grow and the community infection of COVID-19 is widespread. It is no longer effective in identifying places that may have been infected with 19 or anyone infected. “

The Department of Health said it would no longer call all close contacts in positive cases. “Follow up cases and their family contacts and prioritize case investigations due to increased cases and limited resources. Populations at high risk of severe illness. If early investigation provides maximum palliative effect We will continue to focus on helping areas with the highest likelihood of outbreaks, such as schools and nursing homes, planning vaccines, and supporting cases with contact notifications if requested. It’s time available to answer common phone calls and questions, “said the statement.

Twenty-nine positive COVID-19 cases were identified during the three-day vacation period ending on Monday. There are 33 isolated positive cases and 7 are hospitalized. Since the pandemic began, 962 people have not been isolated and 10 have died. The cumulative number of cases exceeded 1,000 for the first time, 12 cases.

The change in focus in Texas County is not unique. Similar health departments throughout the state have announced similar shifts. Metropolitan areas have expressed concern about the reduced availability of beds.

Missouri has seen a significant increase in COVID-19 cases in recent weeks. “As more tests are added, lab turnarounds, test results reporting, and timely contract tracking delays are increasing,” the county health department announced.

Delays in contact tracing across the state can come from a variety of factors.

• It can take several days for the local health department to get good results.

• Not all lab results are received.

• Not all lab results have the correct contact information, and many lab results have no contact information at all.

• Many people avoid answering, making calls, or providing complete information

I take action

“If you get a positive result from your doctor, take action in a timely and early manner to delay the spread of the virus to your friends, family and colleagues. Calls from the health department are your own contact tracing. Don’t wait to get started, “he said.

Stay home until you receive the test results.

If you are positive, isolate yourself from your family as soon as possible for 10 days.

Inform your family and close contacts that you were positive and ask them to quarantine for 14 days after they were last exposed to you. Close contact is someone who has been within 6 feet for at least 15 minutes two days before the onset of symptoms.


• This notification should notify close contacts of the exposure and the date of exposure.

• These exposed individuals should be quarantined for 14 days from the date of their exposure.

• Quarantined individuals should monitor their symptoms daily and seek testing if symptoms occur.

“If you live in a household with a positive case, you are much more likely to get COVID-19 and it is very important to isolate yourself from the individuals in your household. This is a separate settlement (possible). If you need to be in the same space, you should wear a mask (restrict this as much as possible), practice good hygiene, and disinfect. ” Stated in a statement.

“We urge everyone to take responsibility for their own health and continue to protect others. For large-scale events that bring together people outside of normal family interaction. Please reconsider your participation. “

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the best way to limit the spread and protect the population is to wear a mask.


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