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Valley News-Sunday COVID-19 Update: Hannover Terrace will soon be vaccinated

Valley News-Sunday COVID-19 Update: Hannover Terrace will soon be vaccinated
Valley News-Sunday COVID-19 Update: Hannover Terrace will soon be vaccinated


Hannover Terrace will begin vaccination with COVID-19 on December 27, according to a Nursing Home official.

Martha Ilsley, a full-time manager of the facility, said one additional worker at Lime Road’s nursing home had been positive since Friday.

The new case brings a total of 105 outbreaks. As of Sunday, it includes 68 residents, 35 workers and 2 external mandatory vendors.

The three residents are still considered to be seriously ill.

“I am very grateful to the devoted and dedicated staff, and also to all the community support we have received,” Ilsley said. Valley news on Sunday.

Rhode Island prisoner dies

A 66-year-old prisoner infected with COVID-19 has died in Rhode Island, the State Correctional Office announced late Saturday.

The undisclosed prisoner died at Rhode Island Hospital, the agency said. He “had other complex comorbidities that were likely to contribute to his death,” the ministry said.

The agency said the man had lived without parole in the largest security facility in an adult correctional facility since 1988 due to sexual assault and the resulting death of a 73-year-old woman.

The agency said Friday that there were 390 confirmed cases of coronavirus at ACI’s largest security facility. Of these, 331 were prisoners and 59 were staff. Providence Journal report.

Massachusetts prisoners vaccinated

Massachusetts prisoners will be part of the first person to be vaccinated with the coronavirus vaccine after health care workers, emergency care workers, and residents of nursing homes have been vaccinated.

According to The New York Times, tens of thousands of prisoners will be vaccinated prior to home care assistants, the elderly and medically vulnerable residents, joining people living in homeless shelters and other meetinghouses. To.

Dr. Simone Wildes, an infectious disease specialist and a member of the state’s Covid-19 Vaccine Advisory Group, said: “We have many cases of COVID in prison and we wanted to make sure that the highest risk people were vaccinated first.”

Lake Champlain community concerned about ferry transportation

Some residents of both Vermont and New York on Lake Champlain are worried about how they will cross this winter following the news that the ferry route was shut down in early January.

The Lake Champlain Transportation Company announced this week that the Charlotte-Essex Ferry intersection will be suspended from January 4, 2021 until further notice, as the pandemic has reduced the number of riders.

Tara Smith lives in North Ferrisburgh, Vermont, and takes a ferry almost every day with her three-year-old son who attends kindergarten while working at an office in Essex, New York.

“Of course, not being able to go to my office is a big inconvenience, but my biggest concern is that it causes incredible confusion for my family,” she said.

In New York, Essex Town supervisor Ken Hughes has signed nearly 2,000 online petitions for continued service.

“I’m concerned that there is still an important trip that needs to be made between the two states, and that important trip will take place on this ferry. This ferry is our bridge.” Said Hughes.

The ferry company says it will continue to operate at the intersection of Grand Isle and Cumberland Head, where it will consolidate its resources.

School students and staff
Report the highest number of weeks in Bay

According to state data, Massachusetts had the highest number of cases reported this week among school students and staff since data collection began in September.

From December 10th to December 16th, WBZ-TV reported more than 590 confirmed cases in the school district with students and nearly 420 confirmed cases with staff. Schools do not need to report COVID-19 cases to the state.

Governor Charlie Baker said Friday that schools were not the reason for the spread of the virus.

“Schools are a much safer place for children than most other places in the community. In fact, the CDC attends playdate parties, weddings, or funerals among children infected with COVID. I just reported that it was likely, “he said.

The weekly report released on Thursday shows a positive case for hybrid or face-to-face learning students and does not include remote-only programs.

Boston residents can take a free test

Mayor Martin Walsh has announced that people in Boston can use the free mobile COVID-19 test regardless of their symptoms.

Mobile teams are located in Roxbury, Hyde Park and Jamaica Plain.

“Expanding access to COVID-19 testing is essential to our response, especially in communities with high COVID-19 positive testing rates,” said Walsh.

NH school district will be remote

As the number of cases of coronavirus continued to grow, most of New Hampshire’s largest school districts became almost remote.

Most of the state’s 15 largest districts were virtually operational at some point this month. According to New Hampshire Public Radio, many have a shortage of staff due to an increase in cases of COVID-19 among students and staff, and an increase in teachers and associate specialists required for quarantine 10-14 days after exposure. He said it was closed due to a combination of factors such as an increase.

Approximately 375 students, teachers, and staff in the Wyndham school district had been quarantined by the end of last week, prompting the school district to switch to distance learning until January.

Hopkinton, Concord and Merrimack also recently closed school buildings due to staff shortages and an increase in incidents.

Toboggan event has been postponed

The outbreak of the virus has led to another winter event in Maine, the National Toboggan Championship.

The organizers of the annual event in Camden, Maine announced this week that the championship has been postponed until 2022.

Organizers wanted to reduce the number of participants and continue the event, but due to the surge in COVID-19 cases in Maine, the event was completely abolished, Co-Chair Holly Anderson said in a statement. Stated.

“We regret that our event, like many other events in Maine and the whole country, was affected by the pandemic, but we know that this tough decision is right.” She said.

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