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January 16, 2021 Here’s what you need to know:


Detroit – The number of confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Michigan increased to 535,534 as of Saturday, killing 13,804 people, state officials report.

The Saturday update includes 1,932 new cases and 103 additional deaths. This included 90 cases identified during the review of the record, which means it did not occur between Friday and Saturday. On Friday, the state reported a total of 533,602 cases and 13,701 deaths.

Michigan reported a total of 442,408 recovery from the virus on Saturday.

Michigan authorities no longer provide state-wide coronavirus data updates on Sunday. The next update is scheduled for Monday, January 18th.

New: First Case of New COVID Variant Identified in Michigan

Although the new COVID-19 cases have peaked, Michigan still has a high death toll. The tests are stable, with over 38,000 diagnostic tests reported per day, with an average 7-day positive rate of about 8%. Hospitalization It has been declining over the past few weeks.

Michigan 7-day moving average for daily It was 2,350 on Saturday. The average death toll for seven days on Saturday was 84. The state fatality rate is 2.6%.State Also reports “active cases” Listed at 79,300 on Saturday-it’s the lowest since November.

by Johns Hopkins UniversityIn the United States, more than 23.6 million cases have been reported, and as of January 16, more than 393,900 cases of viral death have been reported.

As of January 16, more than 94.2 million people have been confirmed infected worldwide and more than 2 million have died. Johns Hopkins University.. The true number is certainly much higher due to limited testing, various ways the country counts deaths, and intentional underreporting by some governments.

More: Michigan COVID-19 Vaccination: Information on how to find appointments, phases

Coronavirus heading:

to see: Michigan COVID-19 vaccine dose tracking ?

to see: Coronavirus Cases, Tracking Outbreaks in Schools, Michigan

Michigan officials have identified the state’s first case of a new coronavirus variant that is believed to be more contagious in infected individuals living in Washtenaw County.

Officials from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) announced on Saturday 16 January that an adult woman living in Washtenaw County was infected with a new COVID-19 mutant known as B.1.1.7. She recently traveled to England, officials said. In the United Kingdom, variants were first identified, Recently sent part of the country to a strict blockade Helps control the spread of the virus.

Two more positive COVID cases have been identified in close contact with women in Washtenaw County, officials say, but it is unclear if these two are also infected with viral variants.

Read the full text here.

Michigan has released a preliminary timeline to provide predictions of when other phases will begin vaccination with COVID-19 vaccine.

Recently Michigan Move to 1B phaseOpens reservations for residents aged 65 and over, including essential workers such as teachers. Some counties have started vaccination at this level, but some are still waiting to increase their vaccine supply.

The preliminary timeline is fluid. It states very clearly, “”The date is estimated based on the availability of the vaccine and is expected to change. Also, the availability of vaccines is currently limited, but should improve in the near future.

Please see this timeline.

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer Said the state is aiming Resume indoor dining at the restaurant After a surge in COVID-19 cases at the end of last year, a ban for more than two months ignited in February.

Depending on the trends in COVID-19 cases over the next two weeks, restaurants may be able to resume eating indoors with certain restrictions. According to Whitmer, these rules include mask obligations, capacity rules, and curfew.

The· Michigan Department of Health and Human Services Is once again expanding its order to enforce stricter COVID-19 regulations throughout the state. The order, which was due on Friday (January 15th), is valid until the end of this month, but has relaxed restrictions on indoor group exercise and non-contact sports.

Timeline: How COVID trends actually changed during Michigan’s orders

On February 1, restaurants may be allowed to return customers to the store for the first time since November 17, the day before the MDHHS “suspension” took effect.

Michigan is moving to a new stage COVID-19 vaccinationIncludes teachers, first responders, child care providers, and residents aged 65 and over.

The· Michigan Department of Health and Human Services And the government. Gretchen Whitmer We announced on Wednesday that a new phase of vaccination will begin on Monday, January 11th.

“We are pleased to move the state forward in the next phase of vaccination,” he said. Dr. Johnny Cardun, MDHHS Chief Medical Executive. “These vaccines are safe and effective. In particular, we want first responders, teachers and the elderly to be vaccinated as soon as possible. The strategy announced today is efficient, effective and fair. The focus is on making vaccines available to people at highest risk, regardless of workplace or age. “

See the full text here.

Governor Gretchen Whitmer “Strongly encourages” Michigan public schools to reopen for face-to-face learning by early March.

Michigan Public School Shut down in the fall due to Rapid increase in COVID-19 cases.. Their building has been closed for about two months since the state reported thousands of COVID-19 cases per day in November.

“The value of face-to-face learning for our children is immeasurable. We must do everything we can to help our children safely and wonderfully educate,” Whitmer said. Told. “For the past decade, healthcare professionals and epidemiologists have learned that schools can keep their risk of infection low by closely tracking data, everyone wearing masks, and careful infection prevention protocols. I was infected.

It is highly recommended that the district provide as much face-to-face learning as possible. My administration works closely with the district to achieve that. “

Please check this out for details.

Michigan COVID-19th Case report after January 1st

  • January 1-2,994 new cases

  • January 2-2,995 new cases

  • January 3-2,496 new cases

  • January 4-2,496 new cases

  • January 5-2,291 new cases

  • January 6-4,326 new cases

  • January 7-4,015 new cases

  • January 8-3,625 new cases

  • January 9-2,706 new cases

  • January 10-2,268 new cases

  • January 11-2,268 new cases

  • January 12-1,994 new cases

  • January 13-2,694 new cases

  • January 14-2,698 new cases

  • January 15-2,598 new cases

  • January 16-1,932 new cases

COVID-19, Michigan, reports daily deaths since January 1.

  • January 1-88 new deaths

  • January 2-89 new deaths

  • January 3-40 new deaths

  • January 4-40 new deaths

  • January 5-189 new deaths (117 from important records)

  • January 6-51 new deaths

  • January 7-176 new deaths (138 from important records)

  • January 8-38 new deaths

  • January 9-222 new deaths (207 from important records)

  • January 10-23 new deaths

  • January 11-24 new deaths

  • January 12-100 new deaths

  • January 13-32 new deaths

  • January 14-139 new deaths (107 from important records)

  • January 15-29 new deaths

  • January 16-103 (90 from important records)

Coronavirus resource:

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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