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Studies show that “regular” afternoon naps lead to increased mental agility


Studies have shown that “regular” afternoon naps can lead to increased mental agility.

Researchers have found that sleeping in the afternoon is associated with better location awareness, verbal fluency, and working memory in the aging Chinese population.

Published in the online journal General Psychiatry, this study examined sleep patterns in 2,214 healthy people over the age of 60 in several major cities in China, including Beijing and Shanghai.

Of the people who participated in the study, 1,534 took regular afternoon naps of 5 minutes to 2 hours, but 680 did not.

All participants participated in the dementia screening test. In this test, there were “significant” differences in location recognition, language fluency, and memory, with higher scores in the nap group.

Studies show that, in addition to reducing drowsiness, naps offer a number of benefits, including memory integration, preparation for subsequent learning, executive function enhancement, and improved emotional stability. The effect of was not observed in all cases. “

However, the authors of a study from a specialized journal published by the BMJ have concluded in previous studies whether afternoon naps stop dementia and cognitive decline in the elderly or are symptoms of dementia. I pointed out that it cannot be attached.

Dr. Sara Imarisio, Head of Research at Alzheimer’s Research UK, said: “Scientists are working hard to figure out the relationship between sleep and dementia. Abnormal sleep patterns are common in people with dementia, but studies show symptoms such as amnesia. Long before you start, changes in sleep may become apparent.

“In this study, scientists couldn’t tell if naps had a direct impact on memory and thinking, and the study simply showed a link between the two.

“Although other studies have shown a link between changes in sleep quality, to draw a clearer picture of the link between dementia and sleep throughout the day, it’s not just about naps, but about sleep. Large-scale research is needed to investigate many factors. “

People who have a habit of taking an afternoon nap have been found to have higher levels of triglycerides (a type of fat found in the blood) than those who do not take a nap. This means that naps are associated with risk factors for associated cardiovascular disease.

Increased life expectancy and associated changes in neurodegeneration mean an increase in the number of people diagnosed with dementia, affecting approximately 5-7% of people over the age of 65 in developed countries.

Participants in the study were asked how often they took naps a week, ranging from once a week to daily.

The average nighttime sleep was about 6.5 hours in both groups, but there was no information on the specific duration or timing of the nap.

Researchers have proposed a theory that suggests that sleep regulates the body’s immune response and that naps are thought to be an evolved response to inflammation, and the findings suggest some possible explanations. Said there is.

“People with high levels of inflammation also take naps more often,” the study said.


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