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The Minister of Vaccination and the Mayor of London will work together to share the benefits of vaccination


This week, we have reached a disastrous milestone in the UK with 100,000 (coronavirus) COVID-19 deaths. All deaths are tragic and leave bereaved families, but it is clear that some communities have been hit harder than others.

Black Africans in the UK are more than twice as likely to die of the virus as whites. We.. The same applies to people in South Asia.

Now, as two politicians from Asian immigrant families, we know that the reason for this goes beyond ethnicity. It has to do with socioeconomics (where and how people live) and the historical issues of racism and inequality in this country. People in ethnic minority groups are more likely to work in some of the country’s lowest-paying, publicly-faced jobs, which are at increased risk of being infected with the virus.

It also has to do with history – in the past, minorities were not properly included in some medical studies, including vaccine trials. All this can compromise the level of trust. However, this is not the case with today’s COVID-19 vaccine trials, which are safe and widely tested across different age and ethnic groups. However, it is very important to acknowledge these low levels of trust that black Asians and people with ethnic minority backgrounds have in institutions established to represent them, and we do this. We will continue to do everything we can to deal with it.

We are very pleased that the UK has already launched two COVID-19 vaccines, saving the lives of thousands of people in the community. Vaccines will eventually bring us back to normal life, but for now it’s a way to protect our community, friends and family, colleagues and elders.

Today, we are calling on people with ethnic minority backgrounds to get the COVID-19 vaccine. This is safe and effective and can save your life and the lives of your loved ones. This is a very important issue and a trans-party issue.

This week, both Conservative and Labor black lawmakers united in opposition to the spread of false rumors about vaccines and shared the tragic story of losing a loved one at COVID-19. Asians in the UK have released a similar video to help dispel the myth of vaccines.

NHS has done a great job, with vaccinations nationwide, from GP clinics, pharmacies, vaccination centers, racecourses and leisure centers to mosques and gurdwara. Currently, more than 7.8 million people are receiving the first dose, reaching an astonishing rate of 250 jabs per minute. However, it is imperative that everyone have access to the COVID-19 vaccine, regardless of ethnicity, religion, or socio-economic background. We want everyone to get the advice and information they need to make decisions about their health. But undoubtedly, the decision to get this vaccine can save your life and stop you from going to the hospital.

We are spending a great deal of time and effort to strengthen the partnership between the central and local governments and to bring the community closer in this effort. The government is expanding its community championship system, where communities rely on local leaders to help answer vaccine questions and work with the NHS and public health teams to support local communities. We both work with religious leaders, grassroots organizations representing diverse communities and charities, and theirs on how to protect communities from coronavirus and vaccinate as many people as possible. I’ve listened to my thoughts.

Some people share concerns about what goes into the vaccine and whether their faith allowed it. MHRA, the drug regulator, confirmed that the vaccine did not contain animal foods, and Imam declared them halal. Over the last few weeks, I’ve seen Archbishop of Canterbury receive the vaccine and Pope Francis recommending that everyone be vaccinated.

Some people are worried about how quickly the vaccine was developed. Others want to know how quickly they and their loved ones will be vaccinated. Reassure people that the government will provide the first four priority groups with the first dose of vaccination by February 15 and aim to provide vaccination to all people over the age of 50 by spring. I can. And that’s safe. All of its rapid development depends on the global efforts of scientists and nations around the world.

We know that people often put more trust in friends, religious leaders, or family members than in government. Through such events across the country, we help community and faith leaders answer questions people have about vaccines and when and how they are invited to get jabs.

During the largest vaccination program in the history of our country, we united this and played with caring for our loved ones, talented scientists, researchers, health and social care. I want to take the opportunity to defend the work of staff and frontline workers, a central part of the scientific progress in developing vaccines.

We have called on everyone to play their part in protecting the NHS, saving lives, and putting society back on track. We know that the community has made sacrifices to comply with the rules.

Vaccines have now given us hope. We find reliable advice for everyone, especially blacks, Asians and ethnic minorities, call your GP, visit the NHS website, and protect yourself with family and friends when you get a call. I recommend. , It can save their lives.

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