How effective is it, and how is it different from the Pfizer vaccine?
Where is it manufactured?
In the first example, there are some doses from Europe, but most come from the UK supply chain.
In an exclusive report on January 16th Telegraph Shared plan New £ 158m “Super Factory”, This is enough to produce a 70m emergency vaccine in British soil and vaccinate the whole country with a new coronavirus strain within 4 months. The factory will open later this year.
Do I need to get the Oxford vaccine twice?
MHRA recommends that people over the age of 18 receive two doses at intervals of 4 to 12 weeks.
When is the second dose?
The government announced on December 30 that it would postpone the second vaccination of all vaccines in order to reach as many people as possible with the first vaccination.
Both the Oxford vaccine and the Pfizer / BioNTech jab are given to people in one injection, followed by another injection up to 12 weeks later, providing as soon as possible some protection to as many people as possible.
But this is not without controversy.
The Government’s Joint Committee on Immunization and Immunization (JCVI) says unpublished data suggest that the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine is effective every 12 weeks, but Pfizer said. Apart from saying that the efficacy of the vaccine was tested only when two doses were given for up to 21 days.
The World Health Organization recommends a 4-week dosing interval. This is to extend to 6 weeks only in exceptional circumstances.
Will the vaccine be distributed 24 hours a day?
In a further bid to accelerate vaccination, Boris Johnson announced that a 24-hour vaccine center would open “as soon as possible”, and the head of NHS England said on January 17 that some hospitals would open 24 hours a year. Confirmed to try the 24/7 Vaccine Center within the next 10 days.
Matt Hancock told BBC Breakfast that a 24-hour, 24/7 approach is unlikely to be the “major factor” in achieving the mid-February goal, but “if it helps speed up.” “Bab” was “absolutely” behind it.
Whitehole sources There are plans to pilot a 24-hour vaccination center Test demand. This is because the manufacturer told the minister that if the 24-hour deployment was introduced nationwide, it would still not be able to produce enough vaccines.
Providing vaccinations overnight will speed up deployment and achieve the government’s goal of vaccination of 32 million people (60% of the UK’s adult population) announced on January 11. I can.
Can this vaccine help the elderly?
There are concerns that the Covid-19 vaccine may not work well for the elderly, such as the annual flu shot.
However, data from the Oxford / AstraZeneca trial suggest that there was a “similar” immune response between young adults and the elderly.
The results show that the vaccine is better tolerated in older adults compared to younger adults and produces similar immune responses in older and younger adults.
Can pregnant women be vaccinated?
Pregnant women and lactating mothers were given a green light to take either the Oxford or Pfizer coronavirus vaccine, following an appropriate case-by-case risk assessment by a healthcare professional.
This is a reversal of previous advice taken as a precautionary measure.
Traditionally, pregnant women have not been included in clinical trials, but as a result of reviews, MHRA recommends giving pregnant women the opportunity to vaccinate because there is no evidence of risk. I will.
Dr. June Raine, Chief Executive Officer of MHRA, said: vaccine.
“But after reviewing the additional data available, the Human Medical Commission will consider using the vaccine in pregnancy if the potential benefits outweigh the risks after individual discussions with all women. I advised you to do it. “
Can people with allergies get the vaccine?
The deployment of the Pfizer vaccine has been temporarily discontinued for people known to suffer from severe allergic reactions after several adverse events in the initial distribution of the vaccine.
There were some concerns that this might also apply to Oxford Jab.
However, as a result of the review, UK regulators recommend that both the Pfizer and Oxford vaccines be safely administered to people with food or drug allergies.
Only those who are known to have responded to the vaccine in the past should proceed with caution.
Sir Munir Pilmohamed, a clinical pharmacologist and geneticist and chair of the Working Group of Human Medical Experts, said. “We have reached the recommendation that known people who have responded to certain components of the vaccine should not be vaccinated, but those who are allergic to other drugs or foods can be vaccinated. I will. “
Dr. June Raine added that “at least 800,000 people in the UK, perhaps one and a half million people in the United States” have already been vaccinated with Pfizer vaccine.
“There were no additional concerns. This further ensures that the risk of anaphylaxis can be managed through standard clinical guidance and at least a 15-minute post-vaccination observation period.
read more: Oxford and Pfizer Vaccine Priority List-and How They Are Deployed
- Have you been or will be vaccinated with the Covid vaccine? We want to hear from you.Get in touch with us Here..
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