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Fact Check: UK COVID-19 vaccine has been tested and approved for use


A Facebook video was shared online that made false claims about the new coronavirus and the licensed COVID-19 vaccine.

Reuters fact check.Reuters

The 13-minute clip was posted on February 10, 2021 (Here) And contains many opinions and statements. This article only covers the main claims.

The individual in the clip said: “You gave what is called informed consent for vaccination, but they don’t even know what you’re putting in. You don’t.” (2.30)

He continues. “The survival rate of this virus is 99.96%. Now we are happy to inject non-vaccine, untested, unlicensed so-called vaccines.” (5.23)

First, the ingredients of the licensed vaccine are known by the UK Government and are open to the public. Pfizer vaccine ingredients are available (Here, Scroll to # 6), Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine Ingredients Listed (Here, Scroll to # 6), the contents of the Moderna vaccine are explained in detail (Here , Scroll to # 6).The role of various vaccine components is explained by the Vaccine Knowledge Project at Oxford University Here ..

Second, the numbers given for COVID-19 mortality lack a definitive context. As explained in this Reuters article in September 2020, there is no clear global case fatality rate as it is difficult to measure the total number of infections (Here). Many experts believe that the coronavirus is likely to kill 0.5% to 1% of infected people. This may sound like a few, but it’s very dangerous until the vaccine is available.

The World Health Organization (WHO) told Reuters last October: “If 0.01% of the world’s population dies of illness, that means a large number of deaths (780,000 deaths, estimated world population of 7.8 billion).”

A spokeswoman added: “We know that the majority of the world’s population is still susceptible to COVID-19, which means that deaths from this disease will increase if we do not take action to control its spread. Means to keep going “(Here).

Survival rates also depend on age group and health status. Dr. Christopher Murray, director of the Institute for Health Metrics at the University of Washington in Seattle, said in September the mortality rate for people over the age of 80 was probably one in six, but as low as one in one. He said there was a possibility. 10,000 if under 20 years oldHere). The situation is further complicated by the development of new strains that can be more deadly (Here).

There are different ways to calculate the risk of COVID-19, and the Oxford University Our World in Data project details the complexity of the data on mortality (excess mortality).Here), Fatal risk (Here) And other indicators during the pandemic ( But with more than 121,000 deaths in the UK, it is undeniable that the new virus is life-threatening for many (for many).Here) And more than 2.34 million individuals worldwide ( At the time of issuance.

Third, the approved COVID-19 vaccine has been tested and approved. The process of vaccine development, approval and surveillance is described by the Oxford University Vaccine Knowledge Project (here), the European Medicines Agency (, and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (here). In the UK, the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine was approved on December 2, 2020 (Here), AstraZeneca vaccine continued on December 30, 2020 (HereAnd the last vaccine approved at the time of publication was that of Moderna, January 8, 2021 ()Here).Reuters addressed previous false allegations about vaccine testing Here , Here ,and Here ..

Finally, the claim that the government provides “a so-called vaccine, not even a vaccine” may refer to false information that only the government calls the COVID-19 jab a “vaccine.” ..Reuters uncovered this false claim Here ..


error. The speakers in this video explain virus mortality without providing complete context and make false statements about vaccine safety. At the time of this writing, the UK Government has approved three COVID-19 jabs after rigorous clinical trials and has published the ingredients of these vaccines online.

This article was created by the Reuters fact-checking team.Read more about fact checking Here ..


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