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Records show that thousands of Iowans weren’t working with contact tracing.

Records show that thousands of Iowans weren’t working with contact tracing.


Thousands of Iowans who had COVID-19 during the November surge were not contact traced, but not because of a lack of attempt. We will carry out a case investigation during the November surge. By comparison, 52,876 Iowans contacted contact tracers and completed interviews, but data provided by i9 showed that some people in COVID-19 were totally contacted for contact tracing. I didn’t. Approximately 8,146 cases were closed without attempt to investigate, as some jurisdictions were investigating only a subset of the population during the surge. Another 2,000 cases were not investigated due to a delay from the lab reporting a positive test 28 days after the test was run. Sarah Ann Willett, who runs the Iowa COVID-19 tracker, said contact tracing gives health officials a better understanding of the COVID-19 epidemic in the community. She said it would allow the county to identify trends and possible outbreaks. However, without contact tracing, the virus can spread quietly. After that, they can unknowingly infect friends, colleagues, and family members, “said Willett. “And it could create a zip code-localized cluster, a county-wide cluster, or a district-wide cluster. Both individual county and school data are becoming more aggressive.” Does not publish or pull a report on the number of surveys completed daily. However, because each case is unique, the number of cases that a contact tracer can pass through each day may vary. Last November, Iowa was looking for a private company to start offering additional help contact tracing. The company that awarded the contract was a donor to both President Donald Trump and Governor Kim Reynolds. Kelly Baker, an infectious disease expert at the University of Iowa, said with limited resources, public health could help those most likely to be superspreaders, such as the elderly and people in high-contact occupations. He said he would pour. Older individuals, older children and adults are more likely to be symptomatologically infected than younger children, “Baker said. “Therefore, from a prioritization perspective, if resources are limited, we will definitely focus on the age group that is likely to be a spreader.” The Iowa Public Health Service prioritizes surveys. He said the case decision was made at the county level. For investigation. These counties, including Linn County, were unable to call everyone with known exposures for the month because too many people could not call. Several individual counties, including Johnson, perform their own contact tracing. Sam Jarvis, division manager for Johnson County Public Health, said the county is likely to show contact tracers similar response rates to the state. He said people who didn’t want to pick up the phone because of an unknown or unlisted number might be causing a low response rate. He also said that contact from politicians during the election preparation period did not help to respond to the rate. “If you have numbers that aren’t listed, aren’t restricted, or haven’t been seen before, or have a different area code, they’re less likely to pick it up,” Jarvis said. It was. Call even if you don’t know the number, as you may be a contact tracer.

Thousands of Iowa I had COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears Contact tracing wasn’t tracked during the November surge, but it wasn’t due to a lack of attempt.

Data received through a public record request KCRG indicates that approximately 24,166 Iowa states refused or ignored contact tracers’ attempts to conduct a case investigation during the November surge. By comparison, 52,876 Iowa were contacted and completed an interview with a contact tracer.

However, the data provided by the state to the i9 showed that some people in COVID-19 were not contacted at all for contact tracing. Approximately 8,146 cases were closed without attempt to investigate, as some jurisdictions were investigating only a subset of the population during the surge. Another 2,000 cases were not investigated due to a delay from the lab reporting a positive test 28 days after the test was run.

Running Sarah Ann Willett Iowa COVID-19 Tracker, Said that contact tracing will help health officials better understand the prevalence of COVID-19 in the community. She said it would allow the county to identify trends and possible outbreaks. However, without contact tracing, the virus can spread quietly.

“If you don’t have contact tracing and you can’t find all these reasonably exposed people, then they can unknowingly infect your friends, colleagues, and family,” Willett said. I will. “And it could create a zip code-localized cluster, a county-wide cluster, or a district-wide cluster. Both individual county and school data are becoming more aggressive.”

The state does not publish or pull reports on the number of surveys completed daily. However, because each case is unique, the number of cases that a contact tracer can pass through each day may vary. Last November, Iowa was looking for a private company to start offering additional help contact tracing. The company that awarded the contract was a donor to both President Donald Trump and Governor Kim Reynolds.

Kelly Baker, an infectious disease expert at the University of Iowa, said that with limited resources, public health is empowering those who are most likely to be superspreaders, such as the elderly and those in high-contact occupations. He said he would pour.

“We know that older individuals, older children, and adults are more symptomatological and more likely to get infected than younger children,” Baker said. “Therefore, from a prioritizing point of view, if resources are limited, make sure to focus on the age group that is likely to be a spreader.”

The Iowa Public Health Service said the priority case decisions for the investigation were made at the county level for the investigation. These counties, including Linn County, were unable to call everyone with known exposures that month because too many people were calling.

Several individual counties, including Johnson, perform their own contact tracing. Sam Jarvis, division manager for Johnson County Public Health, said the county is likely to show contact tracers similar response rates to the state. He said people who didn’t want to pick up the phone because of an unknown or unlisted number might be causing a low response rate. He also said that contact from politicians during the election preparation period did not help to respond to the rate.

“If you have a number that isn’t listed, isn’t restricted, or hasn’t been seen before, or another area code, they’re less likely to pick it up,” Jarvis said.

According to Jarvis, the solution is to promote a message about receiving the call, as it can be a contact tracer even if you don’t know the phone number.


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