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Common medications can be used to prevent certain skin cancers-ScienceDaily


New data released by researchers at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center-Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solab Institute (OSUCCC-James) are currently in clinical practice to treat neuromuscular disease The oral medications used also help prevent common forms of skin cancer caused by damage from the sun’s ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation.

Although this data was collected from preclinical studies, senior authors Sujit Basu, MD, and PhD found that preliminary results in animal models are very promising and will be investigated immediately through Phase I human studies. It says it’s worth it.

Bass and his colleagues reported their first findings online prior to printing on April 12. Cancer prevention research, Journal of the American Association for Cancer Research.

According to the American Cancer Society, more than 5.4 million basal and squamous cell skin cancers are diagnosed each year in the United States. The disease usually recurs throughout a person’s life, and advanced illness can lead to physical deformity. These cancers are associated with the harmful rays of the sun, and despite growing public awareness of sun safety measures, the incidence of this disease has increased over the years.

Previously peer-reviewed published studies have shown that dopamine receptors play a role in the development of cancerous tumors. However, their role in precancerous lesions is unknown.

In this new study, OSUCCC-James researchers found that the neurotransmitter / neurohormone dopamine activates its D2 receptors to stop the development and progression of certain UVB-induced precancerous squamous cell carcinoma. We are reporting data showing that we can do it. Researchers also describe the molecular sequences of events that lead to cancer suppression.

“Cancer management experts have long emphasized the importance of reducing sun exposure and practicing sun-safe habits, but scientific data show that cumulative UV damage ultimately results. It has been shown to lead to skin cancer in many people. The development of these cancers is important to reduce the global burden of the disease, “said James Translational Therapy, an OSUCCC researcher. Bass, a researcher in the Tix Research Program and a professor of pathology at Ohio State University School of Medicine, said.

“Our study suggests that commonly used drugs that activate certain dopamine receptors may help reduce the recurrence of squamous cell carcinoma and possibly prevent the disease altogether. It’s especially exciting and cheap because it’s already an easily used and relatively used drug in clinical practice. I’m happy to be able to maintain momentum in research in this area. ” He adds.

OSUCCC-James is working on plans to begin further trials in Phase I clinical trials within the next few months.

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material Provided by Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center.. Note: The content can be edited in style and length.


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