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Metro Detroit Beaumont Hospital has reached a critical capacity in the wake of the COVID surge


Beaumont Hospital has reached important capacity levels as follows: COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) Infectious diseases continue to surge across Michigan, officials said Thursday.

Beaumont Health says Metro Detroit hospitals and staff have reached critical capacity levels amid a surge in the virus. Authorities announced Thursday morning that the number of COVID-19 patients at Beaumont Hospital exceeded 800, exceeding the number seen during the virus surge in the last fall of the state. The health care system reportedly treated only 128 COVID-19 patients on February 28.

Beaumont officials and health care workers are calling on Michigan residents to “take immediate personal action to stop the spread of the virus.”

“Our number of COVID-19s is growing and it’s very annoying and alarming to see,” said John Foxx, CEO of Beaumont Health. “I am grateful for the knowledge gained from the first two surges. It has helped save many lives. Now there are also effective vaccines. To flatten the curve again, we Everyone needs to work together now. Wear masks, wash hands, avoid large gatherings, reduce social distance, get vaccinated. You can’t do this alone. Immediately everyone’s I need help. “


More: Visitors need a vaccination card as Beaumont Health is expanding its COVID unit amid a surge

Just a few weeks ago, the healthcare system Revive visitor restrictions The epidemic of coronavirus has increased rapidly throughout the region to protect patients and staff. Currently no visitors are allowed Enter the room of a Beaumont patient whose COVID-19 has been confirmed to be pending or positive.

“The new COVID-19 variant is more contagious. The patients we see are young, some are ill and require intensive treatment,” said Beaumont’s infection. Dr. Nick Gilpin, Medical Director of Prevention and Epidemiology, said. “Some young patients also seem to be waiting longer for treatment, thinking they can overcome the virus. By the time they come to the hospital, they have severe lung inflammation, blood clots, and severe lung damage. I’m sick. This trend doesn’t seem to slow down. “


Beaumont announces several Metro Detroit healthcare systems Sound an alarm that exceeds the capacity level of a dangerous hospital Due to the increase in COVID patients in recent weeks.

The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services said last week that about 18% of all COVID tests have returned positive. With these very daily new cases, more people are expected to be hospitalized in the coming weeks.

Dr. Joneigh Khaldun, Chief Medical Executive of MDHHS, said:

“Hospitals consider canceling time-sensitive selective surgery and evaluate and implement surge plans, including preparing equipment, equipment and staff to treat both COVID and non-COVID patients. “Kardun continued.


Despite vigilant viral indicators, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer argued that the state would not impose new restrictions and would instead fight the surge by increasing COVID vaccination. National health authorities disagree with this plan, Michigan says it should “shut down” In response to increased spread of the virus.

At a press conference on Wednesday, Whitmer promoted coronavirus therapy to help residents infected with COVID-19 and prevent hospitalization. She says treatment is not a substitute for COVID-19 vaccination.

More: How Treatment Helps Michigan COVID Cases


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