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Public concerns about Johnson & Johnson’s coronavirus vaccine are widespread, according to post-ABC polls.


According to a national survey, just under half of adults in the United States consider the Johnson & Johnson vaccine to be very or somewhat safe after discontinuing use this month after receiving reports of rare and severe blood clots. I am.

Developed by Moderna and Pfizer and its German partner BioNTech, two other coronavirus vaccines licensed for emergency use in the United States have significantly increased public confidence. According to polls, more than 7 out of 10 people think they are very or to some extent safe.

Approximately three in four unvaccinated U.S. adults do not want to get a Johnson & Johnson shot when resuming use of the vaccine, which was once foretold for its convenience. Shows the hurdles faced by the Byden administration and state and local public health authorities.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Food and Drug Administration on Friday allowed re-administration of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, based on a federal advisory board assessment that the benefits of the vaccine far outweigh its risks. It will be accompanied by a new warning on its label about the remote potential of dangerous blood clots known to have formed in 15 US recipients out of nearly 8 million doses given. ..

The post-ABC poll was conducted April 18-21, before the suspension was lifted.

Some major vaccine authorities questioned whether the relatively thin public confidence in Johnson & Johnson injections would benefit the government’s decision to discontinue the vaccine in the best interests of the country’s health. A blood clot that says it balances the risk of not being vaccinated with the low incidence of the brain.

Paul A. Ofit, a vaccine expert at the Philadelphia Children’s Hospital, said: “In the name of transparency, in the name of openness, we scare people.”

Federal regulators Approved Johnson & Johnson Vaccine In February, as the country’s third vaccination weapon against the coronavirus pandemic, its logistical and practical benefits over the previous two vaccines are optimistic to help curb the pandemic in the United States and low- and middle-income countries. Was the source of.

Unlike other vaccines, it does not need to be stored frozen. Also, unlike other double-dose regimens, it consists of a single dose, which is useful for temporary and other hard-to-reach people, such as college students, homeless people, and rural people.

However, a poll of unvaccinated adults found that the Moderna and Pfizer vaccines were safer than one in three who said the Johnson & Johnson vaccine was safe. About half of the people were vaccinated.

Opinion poll evidence that Johnson & Johnson’s shot safety is unreliable could reach residents unprotected from the coronavirus four months after the launch of the largest mass vaccination campaign in US history. It became clear when public health officials admitted that it was becoming difficult. .. Reasons for this include mobility, geographic conditions, or hesitation in getting vaccinated against the virus. 32 million people died and more than 571,000 died nationwide..

Post-ABC polls show that 56% of adults in the United States have been vaccinated with the coronavirus vaccine at least once.

Of the 44% who have not been vaccinated against the virus, the majority say they probably will not or will never fire.

Among people of various ages and political tendencies, Republican-minded adults aged 18-39 are the most reluctant to vaccinate against the virus, compared to 24% of adults in the United States. Fifty-five percent say they are undoubtedly or probably not vaccinated. Overall.

However, acceptance of coronavirus vaccines has increased in recent months. About three-quarters of adults in the United States have already taken, or will definitely, or will probably, take at least one shot. This is compared to just under two-thirds of the post-ABC poll in January. Only 3 percent said them I was receiving a shot.

The latest polls show that the perception that a pandemic is “totally out of control” has dropped significantly from just over half of January’s US adults in the midst of a post-vacation surge to just 15%. I also understood. .. Currently, the majority of 55% say they think the pandemic is somewhat suppressed, while 28% think the pandemic is completely or almost suppressed.

The survey is also polarized on the question of whether people need to be vaccinated to carry out basic aspects of life, such as going to work or college, after the public has the opportunity to be vaccinated. It shows that it has become.

About 45% of adults in the United States say they support businesses that require vaccinations for their employees. Half say they support colleges that force students to take shots before they are allowed on campus. More than 6 out of 10 Democrats support the vaccine requirements for employers and college students, and about 7 out of 10 Republicans oppose it.

Polls also show that 55% of Americans support states that issue printed or digital certificates to vaccinated individuals who may be presented to businesses, employers, and schools. It was.

As the country emerges from the Johnson & Johnson 10-day suspension, its attitudes towards vaccine safety will change dramatically.

Adrian Colon, 48-year-old commercial loan officer, has not received a shot Still, his age group wasn’t yet qualified when he last checked at the Mayo Clinic near his home in Glendale, Arizona a few weeks ago. He was paying attention throughout the pandemic, he said, leaving home to get groceries and taking his two teenagers from his ex-wife with whom he shares custody. Another “artist, lonely type” who picks him up and practices several times a month in a rock band where he plays bass.

Colon believes he has been well protected from the harm from the virus, but he will be “most certainly” vaccinated. “I believe in science,” he said. “That’s really important.”

If the Johnson & Johnson vaccine was available at the time of booking, he said, “I will take it.” He knows of reports of blood clots, but he does not belong to the group of women of childbearing age who explained the first six reported cases that prompted a pause in a man close to 50 years old, he said. Told.

“Any of the three [vaccines] To be honest, it’s good for me, “Collon said.

Meanwhile, Catherine Young, a former sergeant at the Philadelphia Police Department, said that if she was given the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, “I would decline it.”

The 62-year-old Young, who spends days with babysitters for his toddler grandchildren, said he plans to be vaccinated primarily “for friends and family.” Many things that “must be vaccinated” are stuck. “

She thinks she has a coronavirus antibody. In February 2020, Young and her husband were one of the first waves of people in the United States to develop covid-19, a disease caused by the virus.

“I was the most ill in my life,” Young recalled. “Several times I thought,’I’m not going to get through this.'”

She did not go to the hospital and was treated by a doctor with steroids and a nebulizer. In the second week of her illness, one of her five children, a 27-year-old daughter, happened to lose her IT job and came back to bring young toast and urge her to eat. I did.She was sick About 1 month. I had a prolonged cough.

Young and her husband have recovered. She does not intend to get the vaccine in a hurry. We hope to have more information about how long the protection from shots will last and whether boosters are needed. “I don’t know if they are as effective as they should be,” she said.

Still, she is willing to get vaccinated, but not with Johnson & Johnson products.

“It was the blood clot that everyone was talking about,” Young said. “I wasn’t very keen on it.”

Peter Hotez, a professor of pediatrics and molecular virology and microbiology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, said whether such vigilance would persist: “How the CDC and FDA are currently responding to this. It depends on the virus. ” “If you mess this up in a message way, the consequences aren’t that devastating to the United States,” he said. shot.

However, Hotez said: .. .. .. Avoiding vaccine rejection is very urgent in Africa, Latin America and the Middle East. “

Angela Rasmussen, a research scientist at the Institute of Virology At the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, the suspension of Johnson & Johnson has agreed that it could adversely affect countries receiving injections through the international vaccine alliance Covax. It relies primarily on that vaccine and the vaccine from AstraZeneca, which is associated with rare coagulation episodes.

“If people in these countries think, you are giving us a dangerous vaccine and maintaining a better vaccine. [yourselves]That way, you won’t be vaccinated, “says Rasmussen.

Nonetheless, she said the suspension was “perfectly appropriate,” even if regulators ultimately determined that the benefits of the vaccine outweighed the risks. The fact that manufacturers reported the first few cases of blood clots, and federal health authorities took them seriously and warned clinicians, is that the public that “the precautions we are taking are working.” Should increase your trust.

Post-ABC News polls were conducted by phone on a random national sample of 1,007 adults, 75% on mobile phones and 25% on landlines. The results have an error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points across the sample.

Emily Guskin contributed to this report.

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