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Healthy kids simply don’t need Covid jabs

Healthy kids simply don’t need Covid jabs


I’m not the only parent worried about last week’s news. The Pfizer vaccine will be approved for use in children as early as June and may be rolled out to school students from September... Healthy children have little serious risk from Covid-19 – the recovery rate for this age group is calculated to be over 99.99 percent. The argument that children should be vaccinated is not based on the belief that they need or benefit from the vaccine, but if the children are jabed, it is in our community. It is based on the logic that it will be good for the whole. In short, those who support it assume that children have a duty to protect adults.

Just recently in December, Matt Hancock said: [because] It is very unlikely that a child will suffer significant damage if infected with Covid-19, and this is an adult vaccine for adults. The Minister of Health is now pretty quiet.

But the strangest aspect of the story is its timing. The majority of the adult population is currently vaccinated, and last month’s UCL modeling suggested that the UK would reach herd immunity between April 12 and three weeks ago. If we have already reached or are approaching this threshold, why are we discussing medical interventions for children? What is preventing us from resuming now is the fact that the government appears to be afraid to put confidence in the vaccine, not the shortage of vaccinated people.

Of course, the Covid 19 vaccine is beneficial to the majority of the adult population and is very likely to prove to be completely safe for children. However, we have a duty to pay particular attention to children who are unable to make these decisions on their own. And so far, we can’t be 100% sure. Pfizer vaccine clinical trials included 2,260 children, What I’m saying is unlikely to be big enough to reveal some rare side effects. Children have a lifetime before them and their immunological and neurological systems-still developing-may react differently than their parents.

We already know that vaccines are causing harm in only a handful of cases. These are exceptional events, and most adults of all ages correctly jab and calculate that the benefits outweigh the risks. But the equations for children are different. In a recently published open letter, Israeli doctors “believe that mass vaccination against diseases that are not dangerous to them should not endanger even a handful of children.” It was.

It is worth noting that the UK Government has exempted all Covid-19 vaccine manufacturers from liability for harm. Can you really ask the kids to accept a greater risk than the manufacturer itself is ready to live with?

Indeed, if you claim that recruiting children for clinical trials is unethical at this stage under the Convention on Human Rights and Biomedicine, based on the lack of benefits expected of healthy children. there is. The Convention clarifies that in the absence of direct benefit to an individual, consent can only be given in exceptional circumstances, and importantly, research involves minimal risk and minimal burden. Stated. One senior pharmaceutical doctor believed that there might be reasonable ethical grounds for including vulnerable children in these trials, but how healthy children’s clinical trials meet the criteria. I told me I couldn’t understand.

Then there are many broader social issues to consider. Will vaccinated children be treated differently than unvaccinated children? For example, access to a facility. Or for school education? Or are they exempt from other Covid measures such as masking, testing, and quarantine? Most importantly-how and where does this end: other illnesses that children are expected to protect adults in the future and how often we ask them to do so?

The UK vaccine program has been very successful. All people who are most vulnerable to this disease are offered one jab, if not two. Children are at very little risk from Covid. These facts are a blessing. Don’t waste them by asking them to carry a burden that they never intend to carry.


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