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What is a keto?Everything you need to know about a ketogenic diet

What is a keto?Everything you need to know about a ketogenic diet


You probably know about Ketogenic diet.. But the benefits of ketosis, the best way to measure it, and the ideal dietary ingredients of ketosis may not be what you know. The ketogenic diet has existed since 1921, when it was developed as a therapeutic diet for certain conditions. However, over the last five years, interest has skyrocketed beyond its original therapeutic nature.

What is ketosis?

The body always looks for glucose (and its storage form, glycogen) as fuel. Limiting carbs means limiting your body’s favorite fuels — and so it has to adapt.

Another solution is to burn the stored fat instead. The metabolic shift from glucose burning to fat produces ketones. Ketones are important because the brain does not have the ability to do this while the body burns fat for energy. Instead, the brain instead fuels the ketones produced by the liver. When the body replenishes fat and the brain replenishes ketones, ketosis occurs.

What is a ketogenic diet?

The· Ketogenic diet It excretes glycogen stores in the liver and lets the body find an alternative fuel. In addition to limiting carbohydrates, it may be necessary to reduce protein content to achieve this. This is because proteins actually have a small insulin-stimulating effect and suppress the production of ketones.

What can I eat on a keto diet?

To achieve ketosis, you need to significantly reduce your carbohydrate consumption (ketosis is Various forms of fasting). That doesn’t mean that the diet is always bacon. Healthy fats such as avocados and olives can be a central component of the diet, in addition to protein sources such as non-starch vegetables, nuts, seeds, fatty wild fish, eggs and chickens. there is.

Full-fat dairy products such as coconut oil and hard cheese may also be included. Recent studies have shown that even a more flexible approach (20-50g of carbohydrates) can lead to ketosis and weight loss, which is high in plant-based fiber derived from previously removed nuts and non-starch vegetables. I also found that it could be. This eases dietary restrictions and makes them sustainable over the long term.

Why is the ketogenic diet bad for you?

Today’s Arloker is a big fan of the ketogenic diet, Nutrition plans have that fair share Critic.. In reality, any diet can be unhealthy. The benefits or harms of a ketogenic diet depend on the dietary pattern you choose.

A very low-carb diet that lacks enough vegetables and other important phytonutrients can be harmful to your health in the long run, but fiber-rich plants, healthy fats, and moderate Ketoplan, which contains the protein of, is beneficial for weight management and reduction and management of chronic diseases.

Constipation may occur, But can be avoided through the consumption of high fiber foods. In addition, many people experience what is commonly known as “keto flu,” an unpleasant symptom that can occur when the body transitions from carb-burning mode to fat-burning mode. These are short-term and subside when the body enters ketosis.

Who is the Ketogenic Diet Suitable for?

The ketogenic diet has several benefits. A 2021 study comparing a low-fat diet with a ketogenic diet found that blood glucose and insulin levels in keto participants were more stable despite consuming more calories. .. This is important because recent data show that unstable blood sugar levels can increase appetite and lead to weight gain.

Another study, published in 2020, assessing low-carbohydrate diets in the elderly showed improvements in body composition, fat distribution, and metabolic health. Diet may also help reduce inflammation, manage type 2 diabetes, and even enhance cancer treatment.

How do you know when your body is in ketosis?

As a dietitian, I often tell patients that I don’t know what I can’t measure. Increased ketone production is a sure sign of ketosis and can be monitored through breathing, blood, and urine, but the accuracy of these methods and the frequency of testing vary widely.

It is important to check the level of ketosis that is affected by diet and exercise, as ketones can change significantly, just like blood sugar levels. Ideally 3-5 times a day. Urine strips are the cheapest, but not the most accurate. For accuracy, a blood ketone meter or a clinically supported exhaled ketone device is often the best bet.

Is the Ketogenic Diet Safe?

the study Show it Low carb diet May be a safe and effective method for people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes Prediabetes To normalize hemoglobin levels, reduce the risk of hypoglycemia, and help weight loss.

However, the ketogenic diet is not suitable for everyone and should be avoided in children and teens, people with type 1 diabetes, pregnant people, and people with kidney, gallbladder, pancreas, and liver disorders. there is. To reduce risk and improve short-term and long-term success for weight loss and overall health, it is advisable to first talk to your doctor and work with a registered dietitian before starting a ketogenic diet. To do.

Kristin Kirkpatrick consults on a variety of nutrition and diet brands.

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