SunLive-Fighting Covid Pneumonia During Pregnancy
Lying in a hospital bed in an air-sealed isolation room, Lucy Nielsen prayed for her foetation with a fluid-filled lung caused by pneumonia from Covid-19.
In September, a woman in Auckland became infected with Covid-19 after joining Tangihanga and spent 34 days in a quarantine facility at Jet Park.
As part of a campaign to remind people of Covid-19, a 31-year-old woman said, “It’s real, it’s difficult, and there’s a way to protect yourself from it.”
After Ruthie joined 100 Tanghi, people began to get sick and encouraged each other to take a test.
Ruthie (Ngapuhi) went to a local test center with her husband Hans to support him.
She wasn’t going to take the test because he was around Farnau more than she was, but she decided to wipe it with a cotton swab in the car.
The text that people said they tested negatively began to flow to Nielsen’s family the same night, but she didn’t come.
Sitting around the dinner table, her phone was lit by a call from the Public Health Service. Given Maori’s work in public health, it’s a number she’s familiar with on the Hapite Hauora tobacco advocacy team.
“I knew immediately what they were calling.”
As she thought, she was shocked to see her children, and then the four and one year olds, running around the house.
For the first few days she had no symptoms other than fatigue – she noticed that she was terribly pregnant.
Then “non-stop hot and cold sweat” struck.
Lucy was rushed twice to Middlemore Hospital in southern Auckland for Covid. The first was when the baby stopped moving, and Jetpark didn’t have the equipment to help her. After that, he developed pneumonia for 7 days.
Lucy spent 34 days at Jet Park. This is because the 14-day clock was reset each time another member of the bubble tested positive.
On the 34th day, Lucy’s niece, who lives with her, went home because she was negative during her time at Jet Park, but was positive.
They were allowed to quarantine at their home in Kelston for an additional 14 days under close security scrutiny. Everything was fully recovered, but it was a difficult road.
On Sunday, Tepnikokiri (Ministry of Maori Development) will begin nationwide Maori communication in collaboration with the Health Promotion Agency, Ministry of Health and unity with Covid-19. A campaign to support the deployment of vaccines.
‘Punish it‘– This is’Give a heap! Good luck!’ – Use the Covid-19-influenced Maori story, including Nielsen, to motivate more than 500,000 Maori people to vaccinate this year. ..
According to a February survey conducted by the Ministry of Health, 41% of Maori people needed more information about the vaccine and 30% did not understand that the vaccine would be free.
Studies have consistently shown that Maori are less likely to receive the Covid-19 vaccine than non-Maori.
Lucy understands the anxieties and fears of the vaccine, but says she shared her story “hoping no one else needs to experience what we have experienced.”
The launch of the campaign coincides with Mother’s Day, which has a special meaning for Nielsen this year.
Her daughter Hope, now six months old, was born happy and healthy after a “turbulent era.”
She was named after the fact that “we really had no hope at the time.”
Meanwhile, the suspension of unquarantine travel between New Zealand and New South Wales will be lifted on Sunday night.
However, Covid-19’s response minister, Chris Hipkins, states that resuming flights to Sydney is conditional on the entire ditch being free of serious problems.
This is because Australian epidemiologists have warned that the outbreak of Covid is “absolutely inevitable” in this country.
James McCaw, an epidemiologist and mathematical biologist at the University of Melbourne, says the risk of a catastrophic outbreak in Australia is at its highest level since the pandemic began.
Kiwi cricketers who fled the country after the Indian Premier League was interrupted landed in Auckland as the virus continued to attack India.
The group of cricketers went into controlled isolation and the second flight was scheduled to leave India on Saturday night.
Auckland-based biotechnology companies will begin testing the Covid-19 test, which is expected to be 10 times cheaper than traditional methods.
World tolls
According to John Hopkins University, Covid has 157.1 million cases worldwide. The death toll in the world currently exceeds 3.27 million.
The United States continues to report the highest number of infections in the world (32.7 million), followed by India with 21.9 million.
Two states in southern India have become the latest states to declare a blockade as coronavirus cases have skyrocketed nationwide and pressured the government to implement a nationwide closure.
About 22 million viruses have been recorded in India. On Saturday, its daily death toll exceeded 4,000 for the first time-but it is believed that the true scale of the crisis may be much worse.
what should I do?
Anyone who wants to be tested can visit the Ministry of Health website to find a local testing center.
If you are ill, call your GP or call Healthline (0800 358 5453) before visiting.
To prevent the virus from spreading, wash your hands properly, cough, bend your elbows and sneeze, and immediately discard the tissue.
Reach out, find support from caring people, connect with your community and help your neighbors in need.
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