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Would you like to go to your covid-19 vaccine?Keep these things in mind

Would you like to go to your covid-19 vaccine?Keep these things in mind


On May 1, covid-19 vaccination was launched for groups aged 18-45 in India. According to Covid Tracking India, a website that tracks the epidemic of covid-19 in India using scientific and mathematical models, about 10% of the country’s total population is partially vaccinated and about 3 of the population. % Was fully vaccinated by May 13th.

Many people are still struggling to find vaccination slots, but there are many questions among those who are vaccinated. For example, how important is it to eat something before getting a jab?

Lounge We spoke with Dr. Bella Sharma, additional director of internal medicine at the Fortis Memorial Institute in Gurgaon, about recommendations and prohibitions for vaccination.

Eat a good meal and keep hydrating

In general, it is advisable not to vaccinate on an empty stomach. Eat something before you go. “You can eat regular meals and light meals. There are no such dietary restrictions,” says Sharma. “We recommend that you don’t eat a very heavy meal just before vaccination, for the simple reason that if you feel uncomfortable, it can be mistaken for a reaction to the vaccine,” she adds.

Once you have a shot, be sure to rehydrate.If you drink enough water-or it could be in the form of liquid from Nimbu Paani In Coconut Water-You control your blood pressure. “In some cases, blood pressure may drop after vaccination. Some people also sweat more or worry about something, resulting in more water loss. It can lead to low blood pressure, so it’s important to keep hydrating before and after vaccination, “says Sharma.

Keep some basic medicines at hand

Arm pain, malaise, and a little lethargy. When the vaccine is given, some of you may or may not feel these minor side effects. Both the Covaxin and Covishield fact sheets (the two vaccines used primarily for vaccination in India) list common side effects such as chills, fever, body pain and malaise. By reading these documents, you can get rid of many of your vaccine questions.

“The response to the vaccine is the same as that obtained after TT or tetanus vaccination or other vaccines. There may be mild pain or swelling at the site where the vaccine is being given. Again, individual The reaction is different. Some people have no problems at all, “explains Sharma. “Some people may have a fever, and it may last for a day or two. The only remedy needed is over-the-counter crocin (to relieve pain and reduce fever). It is a commonly recommended drug used for). Remember: Drink plenty of water. Be comfortable and cool. “

Read again: Can I stop wearing the mask after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine?

After more than 18 vaccinations began in Chandigarh on Friday, May 14, 2021, there was a long line at the GM SSS45 vaccination center.

After more than 18 vaccinations began in Chandigarh on Friday, May 14, 2021, there was a long line at the GM SSS45 vaccination center.
(Keshav Singh / Hindustan Times)

You will need to contact your doctor if:

Vaccination guidelines recommend that each individual be monitored and kept under surveillance for at least 30 minutes after shooting. Although there are few cases of serious reactions to the vaccine, Sharma immediately after vaccination if she faints, develops swelling or rash, or faces dyspnea. He states that he needs to see a doctor. “This is what we call an anaphylactic reaction,” she adds.

Don’t take off that mask yet

Vaccines offer much higher safety, but it is a mistake to think that they are completely safe from infection. In recent months, there have been many cases across the country where partially or completely vaccinated people have been infected with the covid-19 virus. The main reason here is that it makes it easier for people to wear face masks and reduces social distance. “The safest vaccine is your mask and social distance,” says Sharma. “Keep your face mask on when you get vaccinated. Do not overcrowd the area.” Apart from double masking (a good surgical mask plus a suitable cloth mask), leave the house and jab You can also wear a protective face shield when you get your hands on it. “Don’t be vigilant even after being vaccinated. Infections are much less common, but people are known to be infected even after being vaccinated. Even after taking both. You need to wear a mask, wash your hands and disinfect them in a proper way, “she adds.

In an interview with Bloomberg Earlier this month, renowned virologist Shahid Jameel repeated the same point. “The mask should be a permanent feature of your outfit for at least next year, perhaps a year and a half, two years. This variant or its variants are over-focused, but all variants Remember that you can stop with a proper mask. “

Read again: Anirban Mahapatra on science, vaccines, and the second wave


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