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Covid surge test at university after 17 students tested positive at outbreak


Manchester schools have been subject to surge testing after the outbreak of the “small and limited” Covid-19.

A total of 17 students from a single educational group at the University of Manchester’s Nichols campus in Ardwick tested positive, and these cases were treated as potentially concerned mutants.

According to the Manchester City Council, the results were sent to genome sequencing to see if they were Indian mutants, but the association with cases of Indian mutants in the nearby hotspot Bolton Not established.

There is no evidence to suggest that the other nine campuses of the university were affected, the municipality added.

Approximately 1,300 students and 80 staff have undergone the Covid-19 PCR test in two mobile test units on the Nichols campus grounds to detect additional asymptomatic cases, universities and the wider community. It is encouraged to prevent further spread within.

David Regan, Manchester’s Director of Public Health, said:

University of Manchester
A total of 17 students from one education group on the Ardwick campus tested positive for Covid.

“The test unit will stay at the University of Manchester for the next three days, confirming that further Covid epidemics have been curbed, and ensuring the safety and well-being of student populations and the wider community.

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“We know that as we learn to live with the virus, such incidents sometimes occur, but we are vigilant, keep on wearing masks, stay socially distant, and hold hands on a regular basis. It is essential to wash. “

Lisa Olavlin, Principal of the University of Manchester, said: “We would like to reassure students that both Public Health England and the Manchester City Council have praised both the prompt response and action taken on campus to prevent the transmission of Covid-19. It helps to limit the number to the present.

A man sitting near a sign urging people to book a coronavirus test in Bolton
A man sitting near a sign urging people to book a coronavirus test at Manchester’s hotspot Bolton
(Image: Daily Mirror / Andy Stenning)

“Therefore, nine other campuses in Manchester are unaffected by this small isolated incident, and strong measures taken to protect students and staff limit the spread of the virus on campus. I’m sure it’s effective to do. “”

There is growing concern that the emergence of Indian variants could affect next month’s deblocking plans.

Boris Johnson confirmed today The government will know more “within a few days” whether the roadmap from the blockade can continue as planned, despite increasing cases of tension.

The prime minister said “there is nothing definitive” suggesting that the government should deviate from plans to relax more restrictions from June 21, following the change on May 17.

Encourage people to sign in to Bolton and take the Covid test
Bolton people are being urged to take a test as new incidents surge in Greater Manchester’s spot
(Image: Daily Mirror / Andy Stenning)

When visiting the Vaccination Center in London, the Prime Minister said: “We’ve been watching until the epidemiology outbreak. At this point, partly because the vaccination program has built such a defensive barrier. At this point, we need to deviate from the roadmap. There is nothing definitive to say.

“But we need to be careful and we monitor everything very closely.”

Authorities hope to curb the spread of new variants to age groups who have not yet received jabs, as young people have restrictions that facilitate hugs in pubs and restaurants and social contact indoors. We provide vaccines to.

Matt Hancock said earlier this week that people over the age of 35 would be invited to get them. The first jab of the week.


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