How they feel, other symptoms, etc.
Breast lumps are the most common sign of breast cancer.. Finding one can be anxious, but most breast lumps have proven to be non-cancerous. Breast cancer lumps tend to harden and usually do not cause pain, but there are exceptions.
This article describes what you need to know about breast cancer lumps and other signs of breast cancer, and when to see your doctor.
Cancerous breast lumps can feel stiff or stiff. Other characteristics of breast cancer lumps are:
- Irregular edges
- You can’t easily move it under the skin with your fingers
- It’s growing
- It’s in the upper outer quadrant of your chest
These characteristics are typical, but breast cancer lumps vary. Other warning signs for breast cancer are:
- There is a new lump somewhere on the chest or armpit hair
- Thickening and swelling without lumps
- The skin is red, soft and warm to the touch
- Skin depression, puckering, or scaling
- Breast or nipple pain
- Change to breast shape, size, or color
- Blood or other abnormal secretions from the nipple
- The nipple is bent inward
There are many types of breast lumps that are not related to cancer.You don’t always see the difference feel.. It is advisable to consult your doctor about the next steps.
Monthly self-check
TheĀ· American Cancer Society Regular self-examination is not recommended for women of average risk undergoing regular screening Mammogram.. However, they recommend that you be familiar with what your breasts usually look and feel. Monthly self-checks are especially useful if you are too young to screen your mammogram.Here’s how to do it Breast self-examination:
- Straighten your shoulders, place your arms on your hips and face the mirror. Look for changes in size, shape, or color, as well as changes in the skin or nipples, including secretions.
- Raise your arm and repeat.
- Lying on a flat surface. Feel your left chest with your right hand. Move the pad of your finger in a circular motion to feel an area about a quarter of the size. Start with the nipples and cover the entire chest from the collarbone to the upper abdomen and from the armpits to the center of the chest.
- Repeat checking the right chest with your left hand.
- Repeat while sitting and standing. You may find it easier to do this part in the shower.
The most common location is the upper outer quadrant. However, breast cancer lumps can occur on any part of the breast or on the armpit hair.
Everyone’s breasts are different. Some are uneven, others are always a little rugged. There are various factors that affect the look and feel of your breasts.
- age
- Hormonal fluctuations
- Menstrual cycle
- pregnancy
- Specific medicine
- Weight gain and loss
In addition to breast cancer, breast lumps can be due to the following causes:
Breast cancer is easier to treat if it is detected early. Most breast lumps are non-cancerous, but see a doctor if:
- I have a lump for more than a week or two and it hasn’t become smaller
- There are other changes to your breast size, shape, or color
- Breast skin is dented or wrinkled
- Your nipples are facing inward
- There is blood and other abnormal secretions from the nipple
About inflammatory breast cancer
Breast cancer can occur without a lump. Inflammatory breast cancerFor example, it does not lump or appear on the mammogram. The signs of inflammatory breast cancer are:
- One breast is swollen and larger than the other
- Itching, tenderness, pain
- The skin is hollow and resembles an orange peel
- Turns into skin color
- Ridge or thickened area
- The chest feels warm to the touch
- Flat or retracted nipple
When you see a doctor for a lump in your breast, be prepared to provide the following information:
- When you first notice a lump
- Did it shrink or grow
- If it hurts
- Whether you are breastfeeding
- Personal and family history of cancer
Wait-and-see approach
After a physical examination, the doctor may think about the cause of the lump and suggest a “wait and see” approach. If that happens, there are some questions you may want to ask:
- What do you think?
- Do I need an image inspection to confirm?
- How long do I have to wait until I check in again?
- What symptoms do you need to look for?
- Should I meet an expert?
If you are reluctant to wait, ask for a second opinion.
Diagnostic imaging
If the cause of the lump is unclear, your doctor may arrange for the following diagnostic imaging:
Ask your doctor to explain how the test is performed and when you can expect results.
If the scan reveals that a suspicious mass or cancer cannot be ruled out, the next step is biopsy.. The types of breast biopsies are:
- Fine needle suction
- Core biopsy
- Stereotactic breast biopsy
- Surgical biopsy
After taking a sample of breast tissue, the doctor sends it to the laboratory for pathologists to examine under a microscope.
For cancer, the report contains information about a particular type of breast cancer.This information, along with imaging and physical examinations, will help you make clinical decisions. stage..
After surgery Lymph node biopsy And another pathology report provides the stage.Breast cancer types and staging can help guide processing..
the study Delayed treatment has been shown to be associated with more advanced illness and reduced overall survival. However, if breast cancer is detected and treated early, survival is very high.
A monthly self-diagnosis will help you understand what you are doing normally. It also helps you detect changes early.
There are certain functions that can distinguish between cancerous breast lumps and non-cancerous lumps. However, they are not always the case. If you have a lump in your chest, it is best to see a doctor.
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