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The big gap in vaccination rates across the United States worries health professionals



Kevin Fisher, Quincy, Massachusetts, will receive a second shot of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine from Catherine Francisco, a registered nurse in Avon, Massachusetts, at a mass vaccination clinic at Gillette Stadium in Foxborough, Massachusetts. Stephen Senne / Associated Press

Foxborough, Massachusetts — A large number of people gathered at the New England Patriots stadium this week to get their second COVID-19 vaccine in Massachusetts. You can open a clinic in less than a month.

Meanwhile, in Deep South, one of Alabama’s largest clinics closed on Wednesday, and shot demand plummeted, causing other clinics to close within a few weeks.

“They weren’t long enough to test it,” said James Martin, who explained why he didn’t plan to vaccinate when he stopped by at a convenience store in Clanton, Alabama to smoke. 68). “They don’t know what the long-term consequences are. That makes me skeptical.”

A clear geographical pattern emerged a month after all adults in the United States were vaccinated. The highest vaccination rates are concentrated in the northeast and the lowest vaccination rates are mainly concentrated in the south.

According to experts, this gap reflects a variety of factors, including political trends, religious beliefs, and levels of education and income.

Nearly 160 million Americans (48 percent of the population) have been vaccinated with at least one COVID-19 vaccine, and 125 million have been fully vaccinated against the virus.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, New England and the northeastern states make up eight of the top ten immunization rates, with Vermont number one as of last Friday. Almost 64 percent of the population receives at least one dose.

Immediately behind are Massachusetts, Hawaii, New Hampshire, Maine, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and New Mexico, all with over 54%.

Eight southern states are in the bottom ten, all less than 40%. Mississippi finally died at 32%, followed by Louisiana, Alabama, Wyoming, Idaho, Tennessee, Arkansas, Georgia, West Virginia, and South Carolina.

Bridging the gap is essential to controlling the virus that killed 588,000 people in the United States, according to health experts. The promotion of vaccination has reduced the number of cases in the United States to an average of about 30,000 per day, the lowest level since June last year, and the number of deaths to about 570 per day, the lowest level since July last year. It has decreased.

Tara Kirxel, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Health Security Center, said: “High immunization rates are important to control the disease, especially when returning to autumn and winter.”

Inequality is not limited to states. There are significant differences between urban and rural areas, by county and by neighborhood.

The inequality is even more apparent when looking at individual locations throughout the United States. There are four counties in Vermont, with 75% of the population receiving at least one vaccination, while Mississippi has 11 counties with less than 25% vaccination.

Roddy Carroll has seen both places where he works in technology sales in Atlanta and where he grew up in northern Georgia. “There is a big difference,” he said.

Returning to the countryside of Murray County, only one in four residents rolled up their sleeves for a blow. Carroll accuses conservative politicians of spreading suspicions that have made people reluctant.

“They are more than happy to hear conspiracy theorists than doctors who know how vaccines work,” he said. “You’re talking about people you’ve known for the rest of your life. But when you hear them say them, you wonder,” How well I knew them. “

Beliefs about these vaccines have led to unpleasant conversations with family members, Carroll said. “No one knows who has never experienced such a tense moment,” he said.

Dr. Eric Topol, director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute, said the COVID-19 vaccination gap was directly due to political influence, especially the “anti-scientific” attitude among Republican leaders. Also the mask.

More people will be vaccinated, according to Topol, with ongoing education, incentives, and a “head-on” confrontation of misinformation.

He hopes that US regulators will soon give full approval to the vaccine. This gives employers, the military, and the medical system a green light to request vaccination. “That will make the biggest difference,” Topol said.

Gale Borrell of Plymouth, Massachusetts, said she was initially reluctant to arrive at Gillette Stadium with her husband for a second dose on Wednesday. But she said she decided to do it after saying that if she refused the vaccine and made the patient sick, her employer could be held liable.

Her husband, Tom, did not share her concerns.

“Everyone I know wants to get over it. If this is the way to get over it, this is what we are happy to do,” he said. “I just want to end this. That’s how we stop wearing masks and how people stop getting sick.”

In Massachusetts, 62% have taken at least one dose, there is little resistance to public health orders during a pandemic, state leaders have severely restricted rallies and businesses, and the country’s Anthony Fauci. Top infectious disease specialists who have been praised by officials such as PhD.

Some acknowledge the success of the state’s deep involvement in education and medical care. In the Boston area alone, there are dozens of universities, including Harvard University and MIT, and numerous biotechnology companies, including vaccine maker Moderna.

Nationally, rural counties lag behind urban locations in COVID-19 vaccination efforts, according to an analysis released by the CDC on Tuesday. ..

According to the CDC, the gap between rural and urban areas exists between women, men, and both young and old.

In Chilton County, Alabama, a peach growing area, a longtime mayor of Clanton died of the virus last year, along with 85 other people in the county. However, less than 17% of the population is fully vaccinated, making it one of the lowest rates in the state.

The clerk Kim Pierce said she hadn’t been shot, even though she knew that 30 and two people who developed COVID-19 had died. What’s more, Pierce said he wasn’t sick, despite wearing no mask and working at a busy gas station right next to Interstate 65.

“Basically, I think it’s just a scam. I don’t think it’s worse than the flu,” he said.

Abbey Calhorn, who recently graduated from high school, said few people have been wearing masks lately.

“We’re from Alabama and we’re in this country, so these older people don’t believe in COVID-19,” she said.

Calhorn became ill and lost his sense of taste and smell in the fall, forcing him to quarantine for two weeks. She is one of the unvaccinated, but may be shot before going to college in the fall.

“I didn’t have time to stop by and get it,” she said.

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