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Annual new HIV infection in the United States decreased by 73% from the 1980s, estimated by CDC

Annual new HIV infection in the United States decreased by 73% from the 1980s, estimated by CDC


New number per year HIV infection In the United States, it has declined by 73% since the peak of the HIV / AIDS epidemic in the mid-1980s. report..

“regardless of Lack of cure Or today’s HIV prevention tools, including vaccines, HIV testing, rapid and sustained treatment, Pre-exposure preventionAnd a comprehensive syringe service program offers the opportunity to significantly reduce new HIV infections, “says the CDC.

Estimates were calculated by analyzing data from the National HIV Surveillance System. A CDC study estimated a total of 2.2 million new HIV infections between 1981 and 2019. Using these numbers, researchers compared trends by gender, race and ethnicity, and infection category at birth.

Their analysis found that sexual contact between men accounts for more than half of all infections each year, except between 1988 and 2002, when heterosexual sex was a major factor. People who received the drug had the largest relative reduction in HIV incidence in the last 40 years. Also, the proportion of infected people in 2019 was higher in women than at the peak of the epidemic.

However, the CDC said, “The inequality continues and some are getting worse over time,” despite a significant overall decline in new cases per year.

The study found that during the study period, various minority groups actually experienced an increase in new HIV infections over the year. Despite being black, who make up 12% of the US population, it made up 41% of new HIV infections in 2019, up from 29% in 1981. They make up 17% of the country’s population, compared to 29% in 1981 and 29% in 2019.

another Recent reports A CDC study found that about 4 out of 10 transgender women surveyed in seven major cities in the United States were infected with HIV.

Barriers such as poverty, systematic racism, and discrimination can contribute to these health inequalities by affecting access to health care. processing, Testing and preventive services, the study states.

The CDC said, “To end the HIV epidemic, we need to address health inequalities.” The underlying causes of many inequalities emphasize the importance of social and economic determinants of health. I will. ”

The report also points out how FDA-approved antiviral drugs known as pre-exposure prophylaxis (PReP) can help. Prevent more cases Widely accepted by people at risk; PReP is more than 99% effective in preventing HIV infection when taken as prescribed.

However, the report estimated that only 23% of Americans who could benefit from PReP in 2019 were taking PReP, and there was a big racial difference again. Only 8% of blacks and 14% of Hispanics were at similar risk compared to 63% of whites.

“Preventive tools are becoming more and more effective, but they need to reach the most affected people,” the CDC said.


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