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Differences in acne types and treatment methods for each

Differences in acne types and treatment methods for each


Portrait of a young latin girl with acne posing in front of a yellow background

Portrait of a young latin girl with acne posing in front of a yellow background

Navigate The world of acne It’s not easy-hundreds Products on the market It is aimed at treating it, What if i haveBut before you get into the subtle nuances Treatment optionsFirst, you need to be able to identify the type of acne.

Not all acne is the same, and one person may have several different types of acne. They each fall into one of two categories: non-inflammatory and inflammatory. Non-inflammatory acne includes acne and acne, Inflammatory acne It consists of papules, pustules, cysts and nodules.

To distinguish between different types of acne and better understand the skin, we asked a dermatologist to analyze the details of all types of pimples.

What is Whitehead?

Whiteheads, also known as comedones, are one of the most well-known types of acne and occur when sebum or dead skin cells clog the pores. “They are covered with a thin layer of skin.” David Lortoshire, MD, a board-certified dermatologist, CEO and founder of Curology, told POPSUGAR. Therefore, the contents of the white head do not come into contact with the air, so it looks white or yellowish. Whiteheads are considered non-inflammatory acne.

Because the white head is close to the surface, it usually responds well to topical medications such as over-the-counter treatments.Use of benzoyl peroxide cleanser CeraVe Acne Forming Cream Cleanser ($ 15) often fixes the problem. Also recommended by the American Academy of Dermatology. Try retinoids, favorite Acne Treatment Diferin Gel ($ 15) You can buy it without a prescription. Tooth extraction is an option, but should only be done by a specialist such as a dermatologist or beautician.

It is important to note the following: “There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for acne,” says Dr. Lortscher. “What works for one person may not work for another.”

What is blackhead

Another form of non-inflammatory acne is darkening, also known as closed surfaces. They occur like whiteheads when dead skin cells and sebum are trapped under the skin, but they do not exist as raised ridges, but instead appear as black spots on the skin. The oxidation of the substance that causes the acne to appear black, “said Dr. Rocher.

For the treatment of darkening, try Benzoyl Peroxide Cleanser and look for other products that gently exfoliate old skin cells and prevent them from clogging your pores. Tula Deep Exfoliating Blackhead Scrub ($ 32).

What is papule?

When it comes to the category of acne inflammation, acne is a little harder to distinguish at home. “Papules are soft bumps with redness and swelling caused by inflammation,” said Dr. Lrtscher. “They are usually less than 5 mm.” These small bumps can feel stiff to the touch and can be grouped into large clusters.

One of the best ways to treat papules is to use benzoyl peroxide or cleanser salicylate. Neutrogena Oil Free Salicylic Acid Acne Fighting Face Wash ($ 7) But if the problem persists, you should see a dermatologist.

What is a pustule?

Then there is the pustule, another form of inflammatory acne. They are “inflammatory lesions with a visible core of pus, usually raised about 1-5 mm.” Due to their white core, they can be mistaken for whiteheads, but they are large in size.

Filled with a white or yellow liquid, trying to break the pustules to get rid of them faster near the surface of the skin is attractive, but it can cause scarring. It is best to incorporate benzoyl peroxide or salicylate cleanser into your skin care routine twice daily.

“The following hydrophilic colloidal bandages Curology emergency spot patch ($ 2 as a subscription add-on) helps cover lesions overnight or up to 24 hours, eliciting lesion content and speeding healing, “says Dr. Lortscher. I have a habit of choosing your zits.

What is a cyst?

Cysts, or cystic acne, have a reputation for being particularly stubborn and difficult to treat, not to mention pain. That’s because Dr. Lortscher said it was “very inflamed” and deep in the skin. Cystic acne also tends to leave scars.

Because the cysts are deep in the skin, they usually do not respond well to topical OTC treatment. “It’s best to meet in person or see a dermatologist online via telemedicine,” said Dr. Lortscher. “For acne that cannot be cured by normal treatment, Oral antibiotics Common oral acne medications include spironolactone and isotretinoin (formerly known as Accutane). Cortisone injection Administration by a doctor can also help resolve breakouts quickly.

What is a nodule?

The last acne in the inflammatory category is the nodule. “[They’re] Large, hard, reddish ridges that spread deeper than papules and are often painful, “says Dr. Lortscher.

Like cysts, nodules usually do not respond well to topical treatments, so it is best to consult a dermatologist.

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