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Total solar eclipse: can you see it from the UK? And why is this unique? | uk news

Total solar eclipse: can you see it from the UK?  And why is this unique?  |  uk news


The total solar eclipse on April 8 will dazzle people with what has been described as “our planet's greatest spectacle.”

The perfect alignment of Earth, Sun and Moon will be visible again on April 8th. But where exactly can you see it? Can you see it in the UK? And what makes this eclipse particularly special?

Who can see it and when?

The United States, Mexico, and Canada will be in the path of total solar eclipse. That means more than 31 million people across 15 states will get to see the fascinating sight of the Sun being obscured by the Moon.

According to NASA, the first place in North America where people will be able to view the entire eclipse will be the Pacific coast of Mexico, around 11:07 a.m. Pacific Time.

Image: Graphic showing the visible path of a total solar eclipse. Photo: AP

The path of the eclipse will enter the United States in Texas and pass through Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine.

Parts of Tennessee and Michigan will also experience a total eclipse, before its path moves into southern Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Cape Breto, Canada. The last sighting is expected to be in Newfoundland.

Is there any way to see it in the UK?

NASA says it will provide a live stream of the celestial phenomenon visible through telescopes from several locations along the eclipse's path.

You can watch it on NASA's official YouTube channel or here on the site.

However, according to, the following UK cities will also allow you to see a partial solar eclipse directly on the same day:


According to the site, the partial solar eclipse will begin at 7:52 PM (BST) and end at 8:51 PM.

What exactly do people see during a total solar eclipse?

During this event, you will see the sky darken like dawn or dusk, and a halo forming around the Sun as light is blocked by the Moon.

According to NASA, if the weather is clear, people along the path of the eclipse will see the sun's corona, or the outer atmosphere that is normally obscured by the sun's bright side.

NASA recommends that viewers wear special eye protection during the eclipse because it is unsafe to look at the Sun except for the briefest of moments when it is completely obscured by the Moon.

Image: An American man gazes at the sun during the 2017 solar eclipse. Photo: AP

Chris Lintott, professor of astrophysics at the University of Oxford, told Sky News: “Total solar eclipses are one of nature's most spectacular sights and are extremely rare anywhere in the galaxy.”

He added, “It gives me chills down my spine every time.”

Partial solar eclipses are known to make the sun appear to be eclipsed because the moon blocks only part of the sun rather than all of it.

Image: Partial solar eclipse as seen from Argentina in December 2020. Photo: AP

Why is this so special?

This is a slightly unusual phenomenon, as a total solar eclipse is only supposed to occur once every 375 years anywhere in the world. But people in the US state of Illinois are seeing it for the second time in seven years.

It's incredibly rare that the city of Carbondale, Illinois, population 21,000, witnessed a total solar eclipse in August 2017, and will soon see it again.

Image: Crowds watch the 2017 solar eclipse in Illinois. Photo: AP

This earned the state a new nickname: America's Eclipse Crossroads.

“Southern Illinois is considered the U.S. eclipse crossroads because it was in the midline of the total solar eclipse in 2017 and will be again in 2024,” the Illinois Department of Natural Resources said.

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When will the next total solar eclipse be visible from the UK, and when will the last one be visible?

A partial solar eclipse will be visible from 90% of the country in 2026, but will not be visible until 2081 in the Channel Islands and 2090 in the South West.

The last total solar eclipse observed in the UK was in 1999 from parts of Cornwall and Devon. Unfortunately, in most other areas where it was to be found, clouds were covering it.

Total solar eclipses typically occur about every 18 months, while partial eclipses occur two to five times a year.




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