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Victory for British anti-Zionists | opinion

Victory for British anti-Zionists |  opinion


On February 5, the Bristol Employment Tribunal handed down its decision. [PDF] Something I've been waiting for for a long time. My dismissal from the University of Bristol, where I have been Professor of Political Sociology for over three years, in October 2021 was ruled unfair and unfair.

The court did not stop there. Additionally, it was ruled that the reason I was fired was not because I had singled out students and student council in my remarks and comments, as suggested by the university, but because of my anti-Zionist beliefs. After hearing me outline my views on Zionism through detailed court submissions and over two days of cross-examination, the court determined that those views were sufficiently consistent, sound, and deep to qualify as a protected philosophical belief. Equality Act 2010.

As this was a case that had been going on since April 2019, I felt relief and joy upon receiving this ruling. It was then that I received the first complaint about a lecture I gave at university. The complaint came from the Community Security Trust, a charity that claims to simply protect Jews from anti-Semitism. But since its founding, the concept itself has focused all its efforts on promoting Zionist talking points and trying to silence pro-Palestinian activists with baseless accusations of anti-Semitism. -Judaism.

This ruling is a huge personal victory and a stark confirmation of my views and position on the witch hunts of the past few years, but it also has ramifications beyond me and my academic career.

The ruling, which clearly states that anti-Zionist views are not racist or anti-Semitic and is in fact a legitimate philosophical belief protected under the Equality Act 2010, makes the case for carriages and horses that anti-Zionism is new. Anti-Semitism was first explicitly mentioned by Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Evan in a speech to the United States in 1972.

These claims form the basis of the International Holocaust Remembrance Association's (IHRA) controversial working definition of antisemitism, a definition that Israel and many of its supporters have long pushed on governments and institutions around the world.

Despite widespread criticism from many experts and activists who say that anti-Semitism is confused with criticism of anti-Semitic acts in Israel and Palestine, this definition has been adopted by several governments and major institutions in the West over the past decade. The UK formally adopted a working definition in December 2016.

And in the eight years since, this definition has become Israel's main weapon against the growing Palestinian solidarity movement in Britain. However, all weapons require boots on the ground to be able to pick them up and fire them. In most cases, the soldiers deployed to defame and harass pro-Palestinian activists include Zionist groups who work together to silence all criticism of the Israeli regime in academia, politics, the media, and on the streets. As they did in my case, they are threatening and harassing the University of Bristol into sacking me for my strongly held anti-Zionist beliefs, which they claim are akin to racism and are harmful to society.

Now, thanks to a landmark ruling from the Bristol Employment Tribunal, people who support Palestinians and oppose Israel cannot be summarily dismissed, punished or defamed as racists or Nazis.

From now on, anti-Zionists like me will have this judgment to stand against the kind of threats, bullying, and harassment I have faced. In the UK, it would be much more difficult for institutions such as the University of Bristol to fire people for expressing their beliefs.

Equally important, the ruling will strengthen the campaign that is building internationally to roll back the IHRA's so-called working definition of antisemitism.

But perhaps the most important consequence of the Bristol Employment Tribunal case will be the impact it will have on the credibility of pro-Palestinian activists across the UK and beyond. Over the past month, I have already told many people that my sentence makes me more confident to talk about Zionism and its crimes.

For many years, much of the Palestinian movement in Britain, as elsewhere in Europe, has been reluctant to even use the term Zionism when opposing the oppression and dispossession of Palestinians, as they have been mistaken for being anti-Semitic. living.

The fear of talking about Zionism has given Israel too much legitimacy and exposed the leading role many Zionists play in ongoing atrocities against Palestinians outside Palestine in the US, UK and elsewhere in the world. Things got more and more difficult.

As we have clearly seen since October 7, Zionists outside the occupied Palestinian territories are contributing directly to the ongoing Palestinian genocide by supplying recruits to the Israeli army and providing financial, diplomatic and military support to Israel. Moreover, they are protecting Israel by silencing critics elsewhere with accusations of racism and anti-Semitism.

In my case, I hope that the Bristol Employment Tribunal's ruling will embolden more academics, students, politicians and others to speak out against Zionism and its crimes.

The views expressed in this article are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the editorial position of Al Jazeera.




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