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Iran warns Israel, US of harsh response in case of retaliation | Conflict News

Iran warns Israel, US of harsh response in case of retaliation |  Conflict News


Iran's military chief says the nighttime attack achieved all its objectives, adding that US bases are under threat if they support Israeli retaliation.

Iran has warned Israel of a larger attack on its territory if it retaliates to Tehran's nighttime drone and missile attacks, adding that the United States should not support Israeli military action.

If the Zionist regime [Israel] If his supporters demonstrate reckless behavior, they will receive a decisive and much stronger response, Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said in a statement on Sunday.

Raisis' statement followed a similar warning from Iran's military chief, Maj. Gen. Mohammad Bagheri, who told state television that a much bigger response awaited Israel if it retaliated against Iran.

Bagheri said that the Iranian attack on Israel had achieved all its objectives and that in our opinion the operation was over and we had no intention of continuing it.

Earlier on Sunday, he warned the United States that any support for Israeli retaliation would result in Iran targeting its bases.

However, signaling that the Iranian response was calculated to try to avoid any major escalation, Iranian Foreign Minister Amir Abdollahian said Tehran had informed the United States of the planned attack 72 hours in advance and said the strikes would be limited and for self-defense.

That did not stop other officials from making more aggressive remarks, with Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Commander Hossein Salami warning that Tehran would retaliate against any Israeli attack against its interests, officials or citizens.

From now on, whenever Israel attacks Iranian interests, we will attack from Iran.

Meanwhile, Iran's permanent mission to the United Nations has justified Tehran's response to Israeli aggression as self-defense in accordance with the UN charter.

The case can be considered closed. However, if the Israeli regime makes another mistake, Iran's response will be considerably harsher, a statement said.

He added that the United States should stay away from the conflict because it is an Iran-Israel issue.

Al Jazeeras Dorsa Jabbari, reporting from Tehran, said the Iranian attacks would be seen by its nationals as a historic event in the country.

For more than 40 years, Iran has talked about going to war against Israel, one of its main adversaries, she said, adding that celebrations took place in several Iranian cities following the air raids. .

Meaningful response

Tehran's attacks were launched Saturday evening after a suspected Israeli airstrike on its embassy compound in Damascus on April 1 killed IRGC members, increasing the threat of a broader regional conflict.

On Sunday, Israel reported modest damage and reopened its airspace following the unprecedented direct attack.

The Israeli military said the armed forces had shot down more than 99 percent of Iran's drones and missiles and were discussing follow-up options.

In a brief statement on X, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu wrote: “We intercepted. We blocked. Together we will win.

Meanwhile, Israeli defense chief Yoav Gallant warned in a televised statement that the confrontation with Iran was not yet over.

Israeli broadcaster Channel 12 quoted an unnamed Israeli official as saying there would be a significant response to the attack.

Israel's chief military spokesman, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari, also called the Iranian actions very serious, saying in a televised press briefing that they were pushing the region toward escalation.

Despite the rhetoric, an Iranian analyst said the statements coming from Iran offer opposing sides an opportunity to back down in the face of a broader confrontation.

Farzan Sabet, a senior fellow at the Geneva-based Center for Global Governance, said Israel had a potential way out by providing a largely symbolic and non-lethal response.

But given Israel's historically low tolerance for threats and its practice of disproportionate responses, further retaliation and escalations could be seen, he said in an analysis published on X.




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