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The US government has a problem with Microsoft

The US government has a problem with Microsoft


These incidents occurred as security experts increasingly criticized Microsoft for failing to quickly and adequately patch flaws in its products. As by far the largest technology supplier to the U.S. government, Microsoft's vulnerabilities represent the lion's share of newly discovered and most widely used software flaws. Many experts say Microsoft is refusing to make the necessary cybersecurity improvements to keep up with evolving challenges.

Microsoft has failed to adapt its security investment level and mindset to adapt to the threat, says a leading cyber policy expert. This is massive bullshit from someone with the resources and in-house engineering capability that Microsoft has.

The Department of Homeland Security's CSRB endorsed this view in its new report on the 2023 Chinese intrusion, saying Microsoft exhibited a corporate culture that prioritized corporate security investments and a rigorous risk management. The report also criticizes Microsoft for publishing inaccurate information about the possible causes of the latest Chinese intrusion.

Recent breaches reveal Microsoft's failure to implement basic security defenses, according to several experts.

Adam Meyers, senior vice president of intelligence at security firm CrowdStrike, points to the Russians' ability to move from a test environment to a production environment. This should never happen, he said. Another cyber expert who works at a Microsoft competitor highlighted China's ability to spy on the communications of multiple agencies through a single intrusion, echoing the CSRB report, which criticized Microsoft's authentication system for allowing broad access with a unique connection key.

You don't hear about these types of violations from other cloud service providers, Meyers says.

According to the CSRB report, Microsoft has not sufficiently prioritized rearchitecting its existing infrastructure to address the current threat landscape.

In response to written questions, Microsoft told WIRED that it was aggressively improving its security to respond to recent incidents.

“We are committed to adapting to the evolving threat landscape and building industry-government partnerships to defend against these growing and sophisticated global threats,” says Steve Faehl, chief technology officer for the Microsoft's federal security activity.

As part of its Secure Future initiative launched in November, Faehl says, Microsoft improved its ability to automatically detect and block abuse on employee accounts, began looking for more types of sensitive information in network traffic, reduced the access granted by individual authentication keys, and created new authorization requirements for employees seeking to create corporate accounts.

Microsoft also redeployed thousands of engineers to improve its products and began calling in senior executives for status updates at least twice a week, Faehl says.

The new initiative represents Microsoft's roadmap and commitments to address many of what the CSRB report calls priorities, Faehl says. Yet Microsoft does not accept that its security culture is broken, as the CSRB report argues. We completely disagree with that characterization, Faehl says, although we agree that we haven't been perfect and have work to do.

Dependence on security income

Microsoft has attracted particular hostility from the cybersecurity community by charging its customers extra for better security protections such as threat monitoring, antivirus and user access management. In January 2023, the company announced that its security division had surpassed $20 billion in annual revenue.

Microsoft now views cybersecurity as something intended to generate revenue, says Juan Andrs Guerrero-Saade, associate vice president of research at security company SentinelOne. His colleague Alex Stamos recently wrote that Microsoft's reliance on such revenue has seriously skewed its product design decisions.




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