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The Bookseller – News – Picador's Ravi Mirchandani has joined S&S UK to lead Summit Books.

The Bookseller – News – Picador's Ravi Mirchandani has joined S&S UK to lead Summit Books.


Ravi Mirchandani will leave Picador after 10 years to head Simon & Schuster (S&S) UK's newly revived Summit Books imprint this September.

Mirchandani will assume the role of publisher at Summit Books and report directly to Suzanne Baboneau, managing director of adult publishing at S&S UK.

The appointment comes four months after S&S announced it would revive Summit Books in the U.S. after 33 years, to be overseen by former Little Brown editor-in-chief Judy Clain. It was also recently revealed that Allen & Unwin publisher Jane Palfreyman will lead Summit Books in Australia.

Mirchandani currently serves as Editor-in-Chief of Picador, where he has served for the past 10 years. His authors include Hanya Yanagihara, Douglas Stuart, Patrick Radden Keefe, John Carreyrou, Isabella Tree, and Chetna Maroo.

His publishing career spans nearly 40 years. At Weidenfeld & Nicolson, he worked with writers such as Bernhard Schlink, Steven Millhauser and Saul Friedlander. At William Heinemann he worked with people such as Michel Houellebecq, Richard Powers, Tony Judt, Rachel Seiffert and Thomas Harris. And at Atlantic Books, his list included works by Aravind Adiga, AD Miller, Kevin Kwan, Kai Bird, and Martin Sherwin.

Mirchandani said: It has been a real privilege and pleasure to work at Pan Macmillan over the past 10 years. It is a great pain to leave behind so many precious writers and colleagues. However, I am delighted to be joining the editorial team of Ian Chapman and Suzanne Baboneausadult, having long admired the confidence, quality and impact of their publishing, and to bring Summit Books imprints to the UK for the first time.

Over the years we have worked with Simon & Schuster US publishers to publish many authors, and I am very much looking forward to becoming an integral part of their international editorial team.

Baboneau said: Ravis' first day of publication was September 3, 1984. His first day with us will be almost exactly 40 years later, on September 2, 2024. There is no one better to launch this renowned publication in the UK.

From 1976 to 1991, Summit Books in the United States published an extraordinary list of authors of international repute, such as Elie Wiesel, Marilyn French, James Baldwin and Oliver Sacks. New summits around the world will publish bold, international fiction and nonfiction that embody diversity and breadth of thought. I know Ravi will make a truly significant contribution to this exciting vision with his wealth of experience, expertise and talent.

Summit's first book, spanning fiction and non-fiction, is due out in 2025 from the S&S UK imprint, which promises a “broad church and a bold, international spirit”.

Mary Mount, publisher of Picador, paid tribute to Mirchandani's contribution. Ravi is an outstanding publisher. It is almost impossible to summarize his contribution to Picador over the past ten years. His books have brought joy to literally millions of readers around the world. There is a novel, Shuggie Bain. A Little Life is to name two novels that have each sold more than a million copies. And non-fiction, from Empire of Pain to Crying at H-Mart. His books have won every major literary award in Britain and the United States.

Mount added: And along with this outstanding record, Ravi is a source of publishing wisdom, laughter, book fair gossip, good company, and great affection. I would like to express how grateful I am for everything Ravi has done for Picador. It will be amazing to see how he puts together his list in the coming years. We have been incredibly fortunate to have had him at Picador for the past 10 years.

The bookseller has confirmed that it currently has no plans to recruit a direct replacement for Mirchandani's role, as Andrea Henry, Anne Meadows and Orla King have all recently joined Picador, and Alpana Sajip joined as senior commissioning editor in the newly created role in August. I know. .

Our last day at Picador is June 7th.




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