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Home Office official arrested for trying to sell UK residency to asylum seekers

Home Office official arrested for trying to sell UK residency to asylum seekers


A Home Office worker has been arrested on suspicion of trying to sell UK residency to asylum seekers living in Northern Ireland.

The official, who has been suspended by the Home Office, reportedly contacted a vulnerable man and demanded $2,000 in exchange for his asylum application to be approved.

The BBC, which exposed the alleged residence cash scandal, said sensitive Home Office records were used as part of a fraud attempt.

Police have been asked to investigate by the Home Office and say they expect the highest standards from their staff.

Stephen Kinnock, the shadow immigration minister, said the claims were deeply concerning and the government had lost control of the asylum system.

He suggested a positive decision to me.

The intended victim, who used the pseudonym Lenas to protect his identity, said he had been contacted by an employee employed as an asylum decision maker in northern England.

Renas said she received a call in early March saying 95% of people like you had had their applications rejected.

The decision-maker then reportedly suggested that direct payments would ensure success.

I am sure he will reject my application, Renas said. But if I can help him, he can help me too, and he asked me for some money. He asked for 2,000.

He basically suggested a positive decision to me.

Renas, a former journalist, initially thought it was a complete hoax, but it became clear that the man on the phone worked for the Home Office.

He had all my information. He gave me very specific details in my application.

It targeted the most vulnerable people.

Renas recorded video calls from decision-makers and forwarded them to police.

The video shows the individual using a laptop with official home office software installed, which contains the case file.

He targeted the most vulnerable people in society, Renas said.

There may be other refugee applicants going through the same process, and perhaps others have already fallen victim to this scam. I feel it is my responsibility to inform them.

I was persecuted by the authorities in my home country. I was already afraid of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other agencies here.

Renas raised his concerns with his lawyer, who notified authorities.

Lancashire Police said in a statement: “We can confirm that a man has been arrested on suspicion of offenses of misconduct in public office, money laundering, bribery and computer misuse.”

Officers from Lancashire Constabulary, along with partners from the Home Office, arrested a man in his 30s in the Ramsgreave area of ​​Blackburn. The investigation is still in its early stages and the investigation is ongoing.

A Home Office spokesperson said: We expect the highest standards from our staff to ensure that asylum claims are properly considered, sound decisions are made and protection is granted to those who truly need it.

The employee was arrested and suspended. As this is an ongoing police investigation, it would be inappropriate to comment further.




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