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US vetoes Palestinian bid for full UN membership

US vetoes Palestinian bid for full UN membership


The United States on Thursday blocked the U.N. Security Council from moving forward with the Palestinian demand to be recognized as a full U.N. member state, nullifying efforts by Palestinian allies to secure that the world body supports this effort.

The vote was 12 in favor of the resolution and one vote opposed by the United States, with Britain and Switzerland abstaining.

Palestinian envoy to the United Nations Riyad Mansour described the bid for full membership as an effort to take our rightful place within the community of nations.

After the vote, a visibly upset Mr. Mansour delivered an impassioned speech affirming the Palestinian people's right to self-determination.

Our right to self-determination is a natural right, a historic right to live in our homeland, Palestine, as an independent, free and sovereign state, he said.

Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said after the vote: The shameful proposal has been rejected. Terrorism will not be rewarded.

The Security Council has consistently called for a two-state solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, an outcome that did not materialize during negotiations between the two sides. In Washington, a State Department spokesman, Vedant Patel, said the new resolution was dead on arrival.

The United States remains of the view that the quickest path to statehood for the Palestinian people is through direct negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian Authority with the support of the United States and other partners, Mr. Patel to reporters during a press briefing on Thursday.

The United States, along with the four other permanent members of the Council, can veto any action that comes before it. On Thursday afternoon, at a high-profile Council meeting aimed at addressing Middle East issues, including the Palestinian bid for full membership in the United Nations, the United States, a staunch ally of Israel, exercised this veto.

The resolution asked the 15-member Security Council to recommend to the 193-member U.N. General Assembly that the State of Palestine be admitted to membership in the United Nations, diplomats said. To pass, the request had to be approved by the Security Council with at least nine votes in favor and without a veto from the United States, Britain, France, Russia or China. It would then have been necessary for at least two-thirds of the General Assembly to approve it.

Full Palestinian membership in the United Nations would be an important, if largely symbolic, victory for the Palestinian Authority, which has long sought to create a nation-state. If the Palestinian candidacy had been accepted, the new status would have brought the privileges of a UN member, including the right to vote and a rotating seat on the Security Council.

However, many of the most critical issues regarding a Palestinian state would have remained unresolved, including physical borders and recognition by individual countries with which it would have to establish diplomatic relations.

Israel was admitted to full membership in the UN in 1949. The Palestinian Authority has for decades sought to create a state consisting of the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip; these territories were all captured or annexed by Israel.

Little progress has been made toward the creation of a Palestinian state since Israel and the Palestinian Authority signed the Oslo Accords in the early 1990s, which established a peace process aimed at a two-state solution. In 2007, the militant group Hamas ousted the Palestinian Authority, led by President Mahmoud Abbas and which exercises limited autonomy in the occupied West Bank, from power in the Gaza Strip.

The war that began when Hamas carried out terrorist attacks against Israel that killed around 1,200 people and provoked Israeli retaliation in Gaza, killing more than 33,000 Palestinians, mostly civilians, and displacing more than a million of people, complicates the Palestinian demand for statehood. The conflict has spread to the occupied West Bank and neighboring countries like Lebanon and has drawn Iran into the fray.




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