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Travel chaos at airports across the UK – as London and Manchester confirm nationwide border problems | uk news

Travel chaos at airports across the UK – as London and Manchester confirm nationwide border problems |  uk news


Disruption has been reported at airports across the UK, with nationwide border issues confirmed at several airports.

Both Stansted and Gatwick airports said the issue was related to electronic gates at passport control.

A Heathrow spokesman said: “Border Force is currently experiencing a nationwide issue affecting passengers crossing our borders.”

“Our teams are supporting Border Force with emergency planning to ensure we can resolve the issue as quickly as possible and provide for passenger welfare. We apologize for any impact this may have on passenger travel.”

UPDATE: 'Queues are getting bigger' after London and Manchester airports see nationwide problems

Image: Queue at Gatwick Airport Image: Queue at Gatwick Airport

Manchester Airport also confirmed its UK border system was down due to a nationwide power outage.

A spokesperson for AGS Airports, which operates Aberdeen, Glasgow and Southampton airports, told Sky News it had been affected by the nationwide disruption to the UK border system.

Flight schedules are currently unaffected by queues, but this means Glasgow Airport will see international arrivals scheduled for later this evening.

A spokesperson said they expect passengers at Glasgow Airport to be affected if the situation continues, but emergency plans are in place and additional staff will be on hand to assist passengers.

A London Gatwick spokesperson said: “Some passengers may experience delays in their immigration clearance due to nationwide issues with UK Border Force e-gates.”

“Our staff are working with UK Border Force who operate passport control, including e-gates, to provide support to passengers where required.”

The team said they were working to assist passengers at the airport.

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A passenger at Gatwick Airport posted a video of the queue to X, saying: “There were a lot of kids and no water.”

Queues at Gatwick airport are more than an hour long and people are not given information about how long it will take to get through passport control, Sky News understands. Getting the train to London was also problematic.

One Heathrow airport passenger said he had already been queuing for an hour and the queue was getting longer.

They added that there was “no communication” about how long it might take to resolve the issue.

Sky News correspondent Sadiya Chowdhury, reporting from Heathrow Airport, said one passenger had been waiting in line for about three hours.

A similar problem occurred at the e-gate in late May last year, and it took a day to resolve because staff had to check passports while the automated machines were not working.

The country's air traffic system also collapsed in August 2023, when technical problems brought the National Air Traffic Service to a halt for several hours.

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Stansted Airport said in an

“Our operations and customer service colleagues are supporting passengers while the UK Border Force and Home Office resolve the issue,” they said in a statement to Sky News.

Image: Queue seen at Manchester Airport. Photo: @GoggleBizTog

Edinburgh Airport said it was “experiencing a nationwide technical outage affecting UK airports”.

“Although this is not the peak period for arrivals, some passengers may be waiting longer than usual at the border while UKBF works to resolve the issue.” He added, “Thank you for your patience.”

A Home Office spokesperson said: “We are aware of a technical issue affecting e-gates across the country.”

“We are working closely with Border Force and the affected airports to resolve the issue as quickly as possible and we apologize to all passengers for any inconvenience caused.”

Image: Queues at Gatwick Airport

The chaos comes after Border Force staff went on strike for four days at Heathrow Airport last week over working conditions.

The union said workers were protesting against plans to introduce a new list, claiming around 250 of them would lose their jobs at passport control.

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