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Britain must strengthen its relationship with the EU after Trump's re-election, Starmer said.

Britain must strengthen its relationship with the EU after Trump's re-election, Starmer said.


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The Prime Minister is being urged to strengthen Britain's ties with the European Union following Donald Trump's re-election, as a senior EU official insists there is a huge opportunity for closer ties.

Sandro Gozi, the new head of the EU-British parliamentary European delegation, told The Independent that the bloc was looking to bring talks on academic cooperation, youth free movement agreements and artificial intelligence to the table.

Goji's intervention comes as British politicians say the US election results should be a wake-up call for Sir Keir Starmer after Mr Trump won last week.

Prime Minister Gozi said Europe's security and defense issues had become more important following the Republican politician's re-election, amid growing concerns about the incoming president's NATO commitments and growing fears of a global trade war.

Sandro Gozi, the new head of the EU-UK parliamentary delegation, said there was a clear common interest in cooperation (AFP/Getty)

He added: We recognize that there are clear common interests in working together more and better on security. I hope that the election of President Trump will lead to further strengthening of cooperation between the UK in the security and military areas.

President Trump has been vocal about NATO, accusing European members of relying on U.S. funding and warning that his government will only help allies if they contribute financially.

I don't know why we have technology talks with the US and India, but not with the UK, Mr Gozi said. This could be a new area of ​​cooperation for common benefit.

Following the US election, there were renewed calls within the UK for a closer relationship with the EU. Former Conservative deputy leader Michael Heseltine told The Independent: , from a European perspective, and from a global perspective.

While he acknowledged that the United States has done much to maintain stability in the Western world, Lord Heseltine, who is also chairman of pro-EU campaign group the European Movement, warned: A politics called America First is currently enjoying significant exposure.

America First is a term coined by President Woodrow Wilson in 1916 when he pledged to keep the United States neutral in World War I.

Prime Minister Keir Starmer has been warned that the US election result will cause alarm (PA Wire)

Referring to the policy, he said: It is unreasonable for Europe to automatically depend on the United States. But their support has been friendly for the past 75 years.

Calum Miller, home affairs spokesman for the Liberal Democrats, told The Independent that the US election result should be a wake-up call for the UK.

Strengthening trade and defense ties with our European allies is essential. Now more than ever it is important to repair our broken relationship with the EU, the Bicester and Woodstock MP added.

Meanwhile, Wera Hobhouse, the Lib Dem MP for Bath, said she hoped the government would make clear its commitment to resuming meaningful cooperation with the EU.

Mike Galsworthy, chairman of the European Movement, said Trump's election had made the international waters on trade and security much more choppy, meaning it would be better for the UK to move closer to the EU's big ports. He added that it means better.

But Mr Goji said the desire for closer ties after the election was not one-sided and the EU also saw the current situation as a big opportunity to start new partnerships.

“I think we are also interested in strengthening our relationship with the UK,” he said.

Pointing to the EU-UK summit announced by Sir Keir earlier this year in a bid to reset relations with the bloc more broadly, Gozi said: This is a meeting that can serve to foster our relationship.

Last October, the Prime Minister met with European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen and agreed to strengthen ties between the UK and the EU.

They also held talks at the European Political Community meeting last week.

Donald Trump was elected president of the United States earlier this week (AP)

Concerns are growing about a possible trade war with the United States after the Trump campaign pledged to impose tariffs of 10% on all goods imported from U.S. trading partners and up to 60% and 100% on China and Mexico.

Kim Darroch, the former British ambassador to Washington, said Britain would face a stark choice between siding with the European Union or sacrificing our agriculture.

Darroch told The Observer: When it comes to tariffs, I expect the result will be the exact opposite of a simple threat.

The EU will almost certainly retaliate and the UK will face difficult decisions. Will EU retaliatory tariffs be aligned? Or do you pursue bilateral deals, such as free trade agreements?

But shadow Foreign Secretary Priti Patel insisted President-elect Trump was “very sympathetic” to the UK.

She added in an interview with Sky News: He has family ties to this country. Our party previously had a very strong working relationship with him.

“I hope we will grow it, strengthen it and show that the West is not emptying its position on security issues, economic issues and, importantly, protecting our freedoms.”

“This government is resetting our relationship with the EU by strengthening cooperation in areas such as the economy, energy, security and resilience,” a government spokesperson said. We will hold regular UK-EU summits from the first half of next year to review progress.

The Minister of State for European Affairs holds regular meetings with his European counterpart, and the Prime Minister attended the European Political Community Summit last week, where he met with the President of the European Commission and fellow European leaders, including on organizational and security issues. The biggest challenges facing security were discussed. Immigration crime.




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