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O2 reveals Daisy, an AI granny that wastes scammers' time

O2 reveals Daisy, an AI granny that wastes scammers' time


It's a bad day to be a phone scammer.

O2 has created a human-like AI, Granny, to answer scammers' calls in real time and keep customers off the phone for as long as possible. Trained using cutting-edge technology and real scammer content, lifelike Daisy is indistinguishable from a real person. , tricking scammers into thinking they've found the perfect target and actually beating them at a terrible game of their own making. Former Love Islander and fraud victim Amy Hart is teaming up with Daisy and has created a shocking new video to expose the crooked tactics of scammers and help the O2. With Daisy revealing that you aren't always speaking to who you think you are, O2 urges customers to remain vigilant, leave fraud to AI experts and report suspected scam calls and texts for free on 7726.

O2 today unveiled a new member of its fraud prevention team, ‘Daisy’. Head of Scammer Relations, this cutting-edge AI Granny's job is to talk to scammers and waste as much time as possible with long-winded, human-like chats to alienate them from real people, while emphasizing the scammer's need for help. Consumers must remain vigilant as the UK faces a fraud epidemic.

Created using a variety of cutting-edge AI technologies and trained with the help of Jim Browning, one of YouTube's most famous con artists, Daisy is a life-like AI Granny who is completely indistinguishable from a real person. O2, which can interact with scammers in real time without input from the creator, has Daisy working around the clock to respond to suspicious calls.

Daisy combines a variety of AI models that work together to instantly listen and respond to fraudulent calls, and is so lifelike that it has successfully held up calls from numerous scammers for 40 minutes at a time.

As part of Virgin Media O2's ongoing Swerve the Scammers campaign, Scambaiter Daisy was created in response to new research from O2 that found seven in ten (71%) Britons want revenge from scammers who tried to scam them. their loved ones. However, the biggest reason the public says they don't take the bait of scammers is because they don't want to waste their time (53%).

With more than two-thirds (67%) of Brits concerned about being the target of fraud and one in five (22%) experiencing a fraud attempt every week, O2 is fighting back.

After fielding calls for weeks ahead of International Fraud Awareness Week (November 17-23), the AI ​​Scambiter tells frustrated scammers a twisty story about her family and her passion for knitting. We talked about it at length and provided false personal information to angry callers. Information including configured banking information. By tricking criminals into thinking they were scamming real people and exploiting scammers' biases against older people, Daisy prevented them from targeting real victims and, most importantly, common tactics used to help customers better protect themselves. is that it has been disclosed.

Influencer and reality TV star Amy Hart has teamed up with Daisy to create a shocking video showing how she deals with scammers like the one who targets her. Amy was the victim of a scam that saw more than $5,000 taken out of her bank account within minutes after receiving a phone call from someone claiming to be calling from her bank on the morning of her friend's wedding.

After her harrowing experience, Amy became passionate about spreading the word about scams and exposing their tactics to keep others safe. Watch the video here.

Amy Hart says she knows first-hand how sophisticated the nasty scammers can be. So, I teamed up with O2 and AI Scambaiter Daisy to fight against them and keep them busy to keep the calls flowing.

But as much as I love cheating, it's scary to see how hard scammers go to steal everything from passwords to banking information, no matter who you talk to. Anyone, regardless of gender or age, can become a victim of fraud, so you can never be careful when you receive an unexpected phone call or text message.

If you have any doubts about who you are talking to, the best thing to do is hang up and call back from a number you trust.

Murray Mackenzie, fraud director at Virgin Media O2, said: We've invested in everything from firewall technology to block scam texts to AI-based spam call detection to stop scammers and keep our customers safe. .

As the newest member of the anti-fraud team, Daisy is turning the tables on the fraudsters by outmaneuvering and outmaneuvering them in a cruel game just by keeping an eye on them.

But crucially, Daisy reminds us that no matter how persuasive the person on the other end of the phone is, they are not always who you think they are. With scammers operating full-time call centers specifically targeting Britons, everyone is urged to remain vigilant and play their part in stopping scams by forwarding suspicious calls and texts free of charge to 7726.

Beat the scammers

O2 has invested heavily in fraud prevention, launching free AI-based anti-spam tools and a new caller identification service to protect all its mobile customers. Additionally, operators block millions of fraudulent text messages and calls from reaching customers' phones every month.

But as fraudsters continue to evolve their processes and use increasingly sophisticated methods, businesses are encouraging Britons to leave the fraud to AI experts. Instead, the public can help block scammers by forwarding suspected scam calls and text messages to 7726.

By reporting suspicious calls and messages, telecom companies can investigate and block mobile phone numbers used by scammers and help improve blocking services using scam texts to more quickly identify and stop new trends in the future. Last year alone, Virgin Media O2 blocked 89 million texts, thanks to 7,726 texts.

To make life easier for customers, O2 has put together a new webpage that provides tips, tricks and advice so customers know what to look out for. See the Swerve the Scammers page for more information.

Virgin Media O2 calls for wider measures to tackle fraud.

The company recently revealed the scale of the UK's fraud problem after finding that seven in ten (69%)1 Britons reported being targeted by scammers. Last year alone, Virgin Media O2 intercepted and blocked over 250 million suspected fraudulent transactions, with one out every two minutes.

Warning that not enough is being done to protect consumers, Virgin Media O2 appointed a dedicated fraud minister and created a single, centralized, specialized and well-resourced national security agency responsible for investigating and taking responsibility for stopping fraud at its source. We are asking the government to do it. All cases of fraud.

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About Daisy

Daisy is a human-like AI developed to have autonomous conversations with scam callers and keep them on the phone for as long as possible. The custom AI scammer answers the scammer's phone and has a realistic yet tortuous conversation without any input from the creator.

Daisy combines a variety of AI models that work together to first listen to the caller and convert speech into text. Appropriate responses are then generated through a custom large language model with a character personality layer and then fed back through a custom AI text-to-speech model to generate a spoken answer. This happens in real time, so the tool can talk to the caller like a human.

O2's top tips for staying safe from scammers

O2 has put together three simple steps on what to do when a scammer calls or receives a suspicious message.

STOP: Think about what you would be asked to do if you suddenly received a phone call from someone claiming to be from O2. Does this seem right? Are you being asked for personal data or codes over the phone? If you suspect you are speaking to a scammer, the best thing to do is hang up and call 202 from your O2 phone.

Send to 7726: Have you noticed that you may have been calling or texting from a scammer? Don't ignore it, just wait a few seconds and forward it to 7726. Your phone's keypad will say SPAM and this is a toll-free number you can use to report it so we can investigate. This will help keep you safe, block scammers' numbers, and help you prevent or block similar scams faster in the future.

SAY: Tell your friends and family about the scam. By letting others know, you can help keep them safe and alert.

Find out more about Virgin Media O2 calling for structural reform to tackle the UK's fraud epidemic here.

Strand Partners' specialist research team conducted an online survey of 5,247 UK citizens between 7 June and 24 June 2020. The sample is representative by gender, age, NUT 1 region, education and income based on the latest ONS census data.




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