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Republican senator introduces bill to abolish US Department of Education | US Senate

Republican senator introduces bill to abolish US Department of Education | US Senate


A bill that would achieve Donald Trump's goal of abolishing the federal Department of Education has been introduced in the U.S. Senate.

Republican Sen. Mike Rounds of South Dakota introduced the bill, called the Returning Education to Our States Act, on Thursday. If passed, the bill would see $200 billion in funding and the work of the Department of Education redistributed to other federal and state agencies.

The federal Department of Education has never educated a single student, and it is high time to end this bureaucratic department that causes more harm than good, Rounds said in a statement announcing the bill.

He added: For years I have worked to abolish the federal Department of Education. I am pleased that President-elect Trump shares this vision, and I am excited to work with him and the Republican majorities in the Senate and House to make this a reality. This legislation is a road map to eliminating the federal Department of Education by virtually moving these federal programs into the departments where they belong, which will be critical heading into next year.

The Department of Education's main responsibilities would be transferred to other offices: administration of federal student loans would be the responsibility of the Department of the Treasury; the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, which provides protection for the 7.5 million students with special needs, would fall under the Department of Health and Human Services; the Fulbright-Hays program would be overseen by the State Department.

To pass, the bill would require a supermajority of 60 votes in the Senate, which will soon be controlled by Republicans. Notably, Rounds believes he can pass the bill with 50 votes, according to the Argus Leader. This feat would be possible thanks to reconciliation, a congressional loophole that allows tax and spending laws to pass with only a majority. Despite Rounds' ambition, reconciliation does not appear promising as Democrats and some independents who oppose abolishing the department still control the Senate and White House.

Rounds could reintroduce the bill next term, when Republicans take control, but it would still need 60 votes to pass it in the Senate.

Education and policy experts have expressed concerns if the bill passes and what else would happen in another Trump administration.

David DeMatthews, a professor in the Department of Leadership and Educational Policy at the University of Texas, said he doesn't think the education department will ultimately be abolished, but I have a lot of fears.

Education is a topic that has really cut[s] across political divides, he said.

Republicans who voted for Trump may have a child with a disability or traumatic brain injury who qualifies for a special program that would cost that family between $50,000 and $60,000. They want their child to participate in a high-quality, state-assessed program. They want rights if the state doesn't do a good job, and that all comes from the federal special education law. Idea [the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act]and all of this is monitored and enforced by the U.S. Department of Education.

Abolishing the Department of Education has long been a key goal of the Republican Party since its creation in 1980 by then-President Jimmy Carter. During the same year, Carter's successor, Ronald Reagan, even campaigned for eliminating the newly created department, although this wish was rescinded after Reagan's first education secretary, Terrel Bell, wrote a report arguing for a strong federal role in ensuring that students receive a high standard. quality education, according to ChalkBeat.

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Since then, the ministry has gone back and forth depending on which party is in power. Under Democratic administrations, the department has become more progressive. A recent example is the Biden administration issuing new Title IX rules in April that provided more protections for LGBTQ+ students, victims of sexual misconduct, and pregnant students; in July, House Republicans blocked it.

During his campaign, Trump repeatedly emphasized that one of his education policies was to close the Department of Education and create a new accrediting body that would be the gold standard around the world to certify that teachers who adhere to patriotic values ​​support our way of life and understand. that their job is not to indoctrinate children.

He also pledged to return school choice to the states and cut federal funding for any school or program that teaches critical race theory, gender ideology, or other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content .

Shortly after winning the 2024 presidential election, Trump baselessly claimed that the Department of Education was made up of many people who, in many cases, hate our children and said we wanted states to run the education of our children, because they would do a much better job in this area. a video.

Earlier this month, Trump tapped former World Wrestling Entertainment executive Linda McMahon to serve as his education secretary, tasked with leading the department he pledged to shut down a movement over DeMatthews calls.

Overall, what we're seeing is already that members of the Trump administration and some Republicans are actually trying to roll back some fundamental civil rights victories that happened in the '60s and '70s to support students with disabilities , low-income families and English learners, DeMatthews said. .

I think if the public understood this and knew this, they would not be in favor of removing supports intended to help some of our country's most marginalized children.




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