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More COVID-19 Shots, Research Offers Hope for US Schools |


Washington (AP) — Authorities said Gulf Coast Hospital, already full of unvaccinated patients, by COVID-19 on Friday in preparation for a massive hurricane nightmare scenario that causes a wave of fractures, cuts, and heart attacks. It has provided new hopes for the safety of threatened US schoolchildren. There are not enough staff to treat the injured.

The Byden administration says half of US adolescents aged 12 to 17 are vaccinated with at least the first COVID-19 vaccine, and teenage vaccination rates are growing faster than any other age group. I did.

Jeff Seiens, the White House’s coronavirus coordinator, told reporters at a briefing. “This is a significant step forward as millions of children return to school.”

Meanwhile, a new California study provided more evidence that schools could safely open if they did the right thing, highlighting the dangers of not following appropriate precautions.

A study of COVID-19 cases from the winter pandemic peak in Los Angeles County found that child and adolescent case rates were common when schools followed federal guidance on mask wear, physical distance, testing, and other viruses. It turned out to be about 1 / 3.5th of the community. Countermeasures, officials said.

Another unvaccinated teacher returned to school two days after showing symptoms and read a class without a mask, according to another study in Marine County, northern San Francisco. In May, 26 outbreaks occurred before the highly contagious delta type. Runaway.

“Dr. Rochelle Warrensky, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, discussed the study at a briefing.

According to newly announced numbers, more than 3,100 active coronavirus cases have been reported between students and employees in public schools in Arkansas, with most young people enrolled in areas requiring masks. doing. Mandates emerged after a judge temporarily blocked state law banning mask mandates in Arkansas, according to researchers at Johns Hopkins University.

In the northern Gulf Coast, where Aida was predicted to be a dangerous hurricane before the attack on Sunday, workers at the Singing River Gulfport in Mississippi were gated to prevent water from rising from a hospital full of COVID-19. The majority of patients are unvaccinated, according to facility director Randall Cobb.

The troublesome problem, he said, is that the pandemic is short of hospital staff and expects to be flooded with patients suffering from hurricane-following illnesses such as fractures, heart attacks, respiratory problems and lacerations. ..

“It’s going to be bad. It’s going to be really bad,” Cobb said.

A few miles from the coast, the hospital has enough generator fuel, food, and other equipment to run on its own for at least 96 hours, helping those in serious and life-threatening situations, he said. Stated. However, authorities were trying to inform people with less serious medical problems that they should go to a special needs storm shelter or contact emergency management.

“If you don’t think about everything, it’s too late and it’s very stressful. Patients expect not only medical care, but also the facilities they can use,” says Cobb.

In Louisiana, Democratic Governor John Bel Edwards said evacuation of hospitals in threatened areas (usually conceivable) is impractical for COVID-19 patients.

“It’s impossible. We don’t have a place to bring those patients. It’s neither inside nor outside the state,” Edwards said.

So he said state officials have worked with the health system to ensure that they are in place.

According to data from Johns Hopkins University, about 1,100 people die daily from COVID-19 in the United States, the highest number since mid-March. According to CDC data, about 85,000 people nationwide were hospitalized for the disease earlier this week, the highest total since the post-vacation surge in early February.

The epidemic is primarily fueled by highly contagious delta mutants among unvaccinated people. In areas where vaccination rates are particularly low, doctors have begged communities to get vaccinated to save overloaded hospitals. In places including Alabama, federal teams were brought in to assist exhausted workers and bridge the staffing gap caused by COVID-19 infection and exposure.

In Idaho, one of the least vaccinated states, there was a shortage of intensive care unit space, and Kootenai Health, a 330-bed hospital, turned classrooms into patient care spaces.

The largest classroom has become a treatment room for as many as 21 coronavirus patients who do not require special monitoring by the intensive care unit. Other classrooms have become treatment areas where hospitalized COVID-19 patients can receive monoclonal antibody therapy in the hope that they will not need hospital beds.

Idaho is also calling on people with medical skills or simple motivation to assist in enrolling in the state’s Medical Reserve Corps. Retired healthcare professionals can get temporary license renewals, and others can assist with tasks such as contact tracking and data entry.

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