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Self-hosted WordPress and Wix Google Mueller

Self-hosted WordPress and Wix Google Mueller


Google’s John Mueller answered a question about Reddit about migrating SMB sites from Wix to a self-hosted WordPress environment. He commented on this particular scenario and, in this context, discussed the relative strengths and weaknesses of managed and self-managed WordPress for SMBs.

Small Business (SMB)

SMB stands for SMEs, and their size has nothing to do with them, and there are multiple definitions.

In general, small businesses are companies with less than 100 employees. A medium-sized company is a medium-sized company with 100 to 500 employees, and by some definitions, a medium-sized company with 1,000 employees.

Managed and self-hosted WordPress hosting

Managed WordPress hosting is a hosting environment where your web host handles all the technical maintenance related details about hosting your WordPress site.

Security, caching, content delivery networks (CDNs), security, updates, backups, etc. are all handled by managed hosting companies.

This allows SMBs to focus on their core business without hiring an in-house web developer to maintain site security and updates.


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The trade-off (and benefits) of having a web host handle technical details is a plugin that the managed WordPress host can run in the environment to maintain security and improve the performance of all users. It is possible to impose restrictions. This is a good thing, a good feature of managed WordPress hosting, not a drawback.

In a self-hosted environment, the website publisher is responsible for backing up the site and keeping everything up to date.

The trade-off here is that the self-hosted environment gives you more freedom to use the solutions you need, such as using plugins that your company has developed. This means you need to hire or train someone in your company to handle maintenance and security. domestic affairs.

Managed WordPress hosting costs more than self-hosting, but less than hiring or training someone to handle a technical problem.

SMB is migrating from Wix to self-hosted WordPress

A person asking a question on Reddit explained that his neighbor is migrating from Wix to a self-hosted WordPress environment.


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They explained that the current Wix website shows excellent performance in terms of page speed and ranking.

The person who started the discussion said:

“… His current website has scored 98 points in SEO for the lighthouse, and clients are always telling him that he is the first local company to show up in the results.”

It may not be unreasonable to think that SEOs building self-hosted WordPress websites for SMBs are modifying things that don’t need to be modified.

Business seems to be on track with Wix.

John Mueller states that Wix is ​​suitable for SEO

Google’s John Mueller answered the question by first addressing Wix and SEO issues, and then discussing self-hosting for WordPress sites. This was an ongoing business migrating from Wix to WordPress.

Mueller said:

“Wix is ​​good for SEO. It was pretty bad in terms of SEO a few years ago, but it’s made great progress and is now a great platform for business. It doesn’t depend on it.

What they’ve done in recent years is really good, including making it easy to have a really fast site (as you can see in the Lighthouse score, speed is certainly just a small part of SEO. ).

If Wix works and you don’t need it anymore, there’s no reason to switch. “

John Mueller discourages the move to self-hosting for SMBs

Mueller then explained that a self-hosted WordPress environment might be unthinkable for SMBs that don’t have a dedicated web support team.

It’s important to recognize that Mueller’s answer was given in the context of a particular SMB discussion with limited web support moving from a high-performance Wix site to an unmanaged WordPress environment. I think.

Mueller replied:

“Especially, don’t move to self-hosted ones.

Hosting your site yourself can be a small hassle for millions. Businesses without a dedicated support team struggle to do the right thing, get hacked, and have to invest a ton to improve their infrastructure (speed, security, features) over time.

Some people like the challenge, but if their neighbors like to run businesses other than IT, they shouldn’t run their own server (for example, hosting WordPress itself).

I know running WP myself is still a bit popular, but it’s definitely a bad thing for SMBs thinking about other things.

There are hosted and managed WP setups and they cost money, but they do these things for you.

Wix will do all this for you. Squarespace etc – as well. “


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Google’s John Mueller on Reddit

Software as managed hosting or service?

Companies like Wix and Squarespace offer a Software as a Service (SaaS) approach where the platform is fully optimized for the business. How to allow small businesses to focus on their business.


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Managed WordPress hosting does much the same for companies choosing a WordPress solution, but with some limitations.

Wix could be better than managed WordPress hosting due to its highly optimized and improved SEO and page speed features. This benefits small businesses who do not want to deal with the technical aspects of website maintenance and ranking.

Managed WordPress hosts optimize your hosting environment for speed and security. Perfect for businesses that want to scale up in the end or have complete control over technology and SEO.

As John Mueller observed, it’s clear that if Wix works for a small business, there’s no reason to move to another platform.


The original discussion is here:

My older neighbor is getting the company to build a new website for his business …

John Mueller’s response can be accessed from his Reddit profile.


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