If you are not already prepared, what are you waiting for?
Whether you believe in climate change or not, Mother Nature doesn’t care. She just does what she does. It will unleash forest fires, hurricanes and hurricanes this season, regardless of the epidemic. Mother Nature doesn’t care that you are locked with floodwaters. You could not unleash your fear of being evacuated to a public shelter.
It is your problem. You alone. And we all have to become prepared for power through successive natural disasters. With local authorities weakened by COVID-19, we cannot count on them or FEMA to save us. The preparation makes you quieter because you have a plan and supplies. You will feel more confident to stare at this earthquake. And increase your chances of survival.
consider this. The past two years have been among the worst on record for natural disasters in the United States. This summer also heralds a knockout. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has been expecting “extraordinary” hurricane actions over the Atlantic for weeks. California expects annual fires. Floods are expected along the Mississippi River.
The dams were broken, as we saw on May 19 in Michigan, forcing 10,000 people to flee their homes. Many of the evacuees, who were already prospective in the event destroyed by the virus, chose to sleep in their cars instead of the risk of infection in public shelters.
Consider all the terrible climatic things that are going on these days that will surprise the authorities. Brooklyn suffered a hurricane a few years ago that removed some roofs. Brooklyn! Bad events often have a domino effect, so your worst case scenario will include the possibility of more than one event, such as a tandem volcano, earthquake, or hills with forest fires causing mudslides.
The unprecedented health emergency of COVID-19 makes dealing with one disaster a headache, let alone two or three. Even if resources are not exhausted, emergency responders have not dealt with anything on this scale. Social divergence has hindered training to fight forest fires on the West Coast. Firefighters must work apart from each other rather than the typical tight squads.
Elsewhere, human resources have been diverted to manage the coronavirus. The maximum number of nonprofits is reached across the country. Some have laid off staff and dried up their lockers. The shelters will have to consider the spacing of people six feet apart, which means that fewer people can stay there. Ask yourself: Do I need a doctor, where can you seek medical help? I live in viral New York City, very damn if I would go to the hospital. There is a high risk of infection.
That’s why he issued the alarm: Be as self-sufficient as possible. Think about this yet to avoid feeling vulnerable when inevitable strikes.
I am not suggesting that we become survivors who store grain and dig bunkers. I am a 62 year old young man living in Manhattan. I don’t have a wind farm. I am not looking for dinner. I do not sew my clothes. However, I do have a monthly supply of food, napkins, gloves, disinfectant and masks in my cellar. I have a medical kit and know how to use it. I had all of these things before the epidemic started, and I will continue to do so until a vaccine is found. You should, too.
I am talking about a reasonable preparation. Download the FEMA emergency app and ask local authorities for evacuation methods and emergency contact numbers. Buy manually operated NOAA radio with smart phone USB charger. Crank operates the internal battery of the radio so you do not need batteries. The lack of communication is one of the most worrying aspects of disasters and the ability to obtain information and seek assistance is crucial. Consider buying or renting a satellite phone if there is a risk of power outages or service outages.
Amass supplies at least two weeks and packs a go bag that includes your personal protective equipment for COVID-19: masks, gloves, disinfectant, etc. Keep a full tank in the car.
If the authorities say evacuation, go. Don’t be one of those people who refuse to leave their homes in a Category 5 hurricane and then waste valuable resources that are saved. This puts pressure on emergency responders who must save the lives of patients or the elderly who have not really been able to get out. Once you know where to go, discuss this evacuation plan with your family and school of children as well as where to go if you cannot contact each other and not everyone is able to reach this place.
If you want to get out of town, check with Uncle Lucy’s daughter in advance to make sure you can collide at her home for two weeks of quarantine. (And make sure that Ben the cat is really welcome as well. The compliment goes a long way when camping in someone’s living room for a long time.)
Here is my strategy. I have an New York City emergency alert application and I have identified the nearest shelter. (We lack an outside city shelter, as well as a car.) It is a 10-minute walk from the house, which is possible in rubber boots in a foot of water. We asked the neighbor to cut an ominously swinging branch that could hit the house in a storm. (I’m still waiting, sir, if you’re reading this.)
We have just replaced the old weather radio. She was so worn out that a wire worked as an antenna. We have updated headlamp headlamps to lighter LED models with longer battery life. We washed away the gutters, put $ 5,000 in a fireproof safe and contemplated getting a cellar pump. We cleaned sleeping bags and fueled the camping stove with propane. We checked the house’s valves to turn off the water and gas.
This is the gear. I work to keep fit. Correctly training heavyweights and eating increases your immunity and helps you pull survivors from a burning building. Apropos, everyone over 12 years old must take an emergency first aid course. I update information every year, to keep new skills. Learn to adjust the broken leg and strong bleeding. Learn how to treat burns. You may be alone for hours waiting for an EMT.
This may seem overwhelming, but believe me, it becomes the second nature with practice. I learned the value of setting 20 years ago when I worked as a foreign correspondent in places like Sudan where people died of hunger or did not have plumbing. It relied on satellite phones and routinely packed mine risk education programs for trips where there was food shortage. I took bucket baths. (I also recommend Vodka Shampoo – great for shiny pores and hair.)
I always carry additional cables, batteries, and chargers. And the money, because the banking system failed or did not work at all. She carried enough drugs like antibiotics to fill in Rite Aid. In Russia, I tried the avoska bag (“Just in case”) when the economy collapsed in 1998. Outlets ran out of commodities, so I was always looking for depleted items.
My husband and I moved these habits when we moved to Harlem 20 years ago. People thought we were nuts. What could happen here? A few friends drifted after Hurricane Sandy swamped areas of the city. But it took a pandemic, quarantine and economic ruin to change their minds. While everyone was panicked on empty supermarket shelves, we had a cute smorgasbord in the basement.
Mother nature is preparing. You can also.
Judith Matloff teaches crisis reports at Columbia University’s School of Journalism. I’ve just published a guide to all the dangers, how to pull a body and other safety tips that you hope you’ll never need.
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